Need help


New member
May 17, 2011
i just bought a 94 ctd all stock. im orderin a fuel plate, gauges , 3gsk and stuf but would an airdog 150 be ok with stock motor and what injectors do i need that wont kill my turbo and cheap but good $.02
WTF is a fuel plate? IMHO all trucks should come from factory with an AirDog.
order 4K springs with exh springs, valve spring tool from tork tek, and a OFE clutch from southbend

grind the plate your self, add some timing, and some tuning and be money ahead
im about to order my boost and pyro gauge, ddp injectors, airdog 150, southbend clutch, 4kgsk , intake and exaust valve springs, and i need to know if this stuf will help me wil hp and power
with injectors,grind the fuel plate,airdog 150, and a southbend clutch you'll be very happy with the power you get for cheap money
the tork tek tool is to replace the exhaust springs that are needed for the higher rpms from the 4K kit

how much power are you wanting?

there are allot of other company's out there besides DDP for injectors
i want max power but i dont want to hurt my stock turbo or nothin

Dude... Search function! Its the new thing!

And yes valve springs, gsk, sdx or contagious or something along those lines for injectors, pull the plate or put your own grind on it, do the afc mods and tune it, some timing, you can go as deep as your pockets allow. That list is enought to ruin your stock clutch, so by all means so have at the search function now.
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get some 400hp injectors......maybe a couple bottles of NOS and have a good time