New Duramax water pumps!

Yes similar but with less features. I am not asking you to spend your extra $50 on a product that was tested on and in the diesel world for over the past year in numerous situations. If you want to go and buy a CSR pump from summit or jegs Im not stopping ya.

So it seems you are trying to pick apart a product that we have released without your approval have you ever tested a Duramax pump to see if it actually flowed 80GPM? What was the RPM that it took to reach this number? At what point did the pump start cavitation? Sorry but there is more to it then total volume. Yes its obvious that we can flow a higher volume at idle but that is not the only reason behind this pumps benefits. We have scene where a 1" setup was just as sufficient as the 3/4" but raises the cost of the pump up and with the consumer budget people in mind you have to be able to sell the product at a decent price and have reliability which we strive upon on all products we release, Unlike many others where they will just release a product un tested.
This pump is rated to reach up to 70 gpm but in most cases will never go over the 50gpm and be more then sufficient in cooling.

This is far simpler than you'd like to make it.

In a free flow situation, have you ever hooked this pump up to a battery, and tried to fill one and a half 55 gallon drums in one minute?

Or even 1 drum in one minute?

Because that's what "testing" should be. If you've done that most basic test, just let me know. I know what a 70 GPM stream of water looks like since I work around it every day.

I am tired of outright false advertising claims in this business. Maybe your claims are true, and if so, I will be first in line to pat you on the back, because you will have the cheapest pump with the smallest ports that outflows the big Stewart and Meziere pumps by a large margin, and everyone should beat a path to your door.

If your pump is the greatest thing since sliced bread, I will buy one.

As for the GM numbers, I have no reason to doubt GM Service Information, but you're right, I should go test one. Fair enough.

Tell me one thing - how are you sensing or otherwise detecting cavitation? What sensor are you using? What datalog shows you that?
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My question chad is u know i drive mine all over, i put over 20,000 miles on mine last year, how is the rubber impellar gonna last? This is new to me so im just curious.