New engine build Scania DC1601 for our semi truckpuller.

Well reality tells us that a latest generation type of engines provide a better platform to get more power out of an engine without making smoke. So knowing this it’s not hard to understand that using a older type of engine needs a lot more than only the latest generation fuel system so you end up with developing and old new engine with a extra cost involved.

The 2 stroke was a good example as the new commonrail fuel system makes a lot more power bending the conn rods like it was made from wood. Over the last years engine materials and construction methods increased stiffness and so on up to 500% so converting to a electronic fuel system is more an act of passion and love for a type of engine I think.

Also getting aces to brand new type of engine is not hard for us. Short after release or production trucks will get damaged and scraped so al you need to do is bay one take it apart take the parts you want and store the rest as used parts and sell them back to dealers.

It sounds as though the detroit put a sour taste in your mouth towards any other retro fit, but I am afraid you are comparing to very different engines by comparing the detroit to the cat, the rods in a cat 3406 have already been proven to hold power and if that is still a concern there are custom options available. It also helps that the rotating assembly is interchangeable between all versions of the 3406/C15/C16.
Well Leiffi it must be hard for you to face reality. I worked over 21 years with Cummins PT system and yes you can do some impressive stuff with them but really the thing ended way back with the HPI systems otherwise we would have used it. PT had only end of injection and STC can advance timing but you still get nowhere close to quality of fuel delivery from a XPI or F2 fuel system.

You see the thing between tuning and engineering is: tuning think big spend big and engineering is more lets look what inside the box and on a modern engine there is a lot more than most think you only need to find out how to get it out!
You see most team have the option to overhaul an old engine and upgrade loads of stuff or get a later model engine with most needed parts already on them. Bay our ECU system and maybe a turbocharger and let us do the camshaft and have a far more reliable better performing engine for about the same money. And how can this be? Well easy most race teams I know are into trucks and it’s not so hard to get a latest model engines. Most come out of a crashed truck that will be taken apart and sold in parts to make money. You only need to wait until you find it and that’s why we plan one year ahead with things for most teams.
We also exchange parts between the different types of motor sport with semi trucks.

Well Leiffi the thing with OE ECU systems on trucks is by the time you get it working for 70% the engine is already obsolete still closing one door and find out some others opened giving you other problems and the thing only gets better with the after treatment stuff and it will turn in a professional hobby after some time. And even messing about with some OE R&D stuff we can not get the behaviour we want to have.
So here you have it spending one year of my live programming a diesel ECU system making a living out of it testing new stuff for EO with it. Talking about entering things with the front door is a lot easer than reversed engineering and in the line of work I’m doing you just share information is possible among those doing the same job but for those who only ask there is none.

Good luck Leiffi:fish:
I can see you come from OEM because you try to keep everything inside manufacturers design limits. It just doesn't work in racing, especially in pulling. OEM engineers have never been good race engineers.

Reverse engineering is good because you don't have to spend millions for testing all kinds of basic parameters like temperature compensation and similar.

My friend got better performance out of original ECU D12 than you have ever got with your ECU so you still have some testing to do.

Build a 110 hp/liter XPI then we see if there's more potential than Cummins PT. Yes, they also accelerate out of corners.

I don't need your information, I can ask people who actually know something.
We are not into Cat or Detroit in Europe so I cannot comment on that al do we have customers running them. Main engines we are tuning are Volvo Daf/Paccar and Scania for motor sport applications.

We also have restrictions as for the Semi pulling sport a max RPM limit of 2900Rpm is there and for truck racing a 65mm air intake restrictor is in place and we can not run compound turbo set-up so knowing this you can build with OE stuff and lower budged so chance is more team on the track and same amount of fun. This game is all about being smart staying within restrictions given and latest generation engines have proven them selves so far that they have more potential but also pose new problems that need to be solved by thinking outside of the box and that makes it fun pioneering along.
The only project with no restrictions was the drag race Volvo in Greece but staidly they had to come down in power ate the AT could not handle the engine torque but they got there own dyno and know how to work things out so wait what they come up with next year.

Leiffi you know as well as I that an ECU on it self dos not set limits on power output and that’s up to the hardware restriction on the engine……..and drive train.
Also the XPI we are working on is race engine with a restrictor 65mm so no point to try making 110Hp per litter as you never get there so focus is to get the engine to 5000Nm + in low RPM and make a flat HP curve as long as possible.
Also we are already past 120Hp per litter on PD engines but they need a bit more RPM compared to XPI or F2 fuel systems to get to 3000Bar +
Leiffi please remember for power you need RPM and as we can not make some RPM so our focus is on torque, get it? And please let me know what people you know as most will ignore you any way. Thanks to you some pore gay is now stuck with an engine wit piezo injector having to spend some time to explain things. You are a great help!
While Schoones Dakar NR:3 is on it way to Le Daker rally 2015. Schoones Dakar NR:4 is well on its way with the alloy construction on the back.


Will our new Semi Truck Puller NR:3 look like this? Picture made by one of our great fans Mike van de Elzen.

Not really as the V10 is still in favour as in class as the max engine displacement is 18,5L

We know how to build one as for the most it’s a copy of our V8 Scania engine or you could say they are a lot alike and we do have a base mapping for this OM502LA engine that’s is taken from our Scania V8 semi truckpuller and tuned back for a normal performance level.
Also the fuel system is a lot alike to Scania and we know what to use and not to use on these engines as not all models will handle a lot of Hp.


Also we run a lot of OM501LA models for customers.

We are in the middle of the winter stop but both teams de (Manne van Janne 2 and 3) are flat out as you can see in the pictures.

Construction of the new MVJ3 Scania Torpedo is well on it’s way while team MVJ2 is taken the donor V8 engine apart. With the generation 2 engine we run for the last 2 years we gained about 20% on performance and with the new engine we hoping to get 5% more torque with a bigger bore and big change on the combustion chambers.






AIM G dach display

Thanks to you some pore gay is now stuck with an engine wit piezo injector having to spend some time to explain things. You are a great help!

How do you know he is gay ? He bought the engines without knowing what they are, not my problem. It's not a problem at all, he can use some real diesel ecus from Sweden or Thailand, or original ecu like we do in Finland.

You were also of great help when I asked about raising rpm limit of Scanias and Volvos. You said it's impossible if you dont know someone at the factory. By my ecu you said. We didnt buy and we still dont know someone at the factory but our engines are spinning high.
How do you know he is gay ? He bought the engines without knowing what they are, not my problem. It's not a problem at all, he can use some real diesel ecus from Sweden or Thailand, or original ecu like we do in Finland.

You were also of great help when I asked about raising rpm limit of Scanias and Volvos. You said it's impossible if you dont know someone at the factory. By my ecu you said. We didnt buy and we still dont know someone at the factory but our engines are spinning high.

Yes indeed not your problem. Great. That’s the problem with your great advice so think twice the next time when your communicating things mister know better as to the way your communicating sound like you know it all.

Well real diesel ECU or not fact is we working on a load of combustion projects latest generation stuff pioneering along with OE suppliers and in between some older stuff like next one up is a Detroit 60 series with some interesting coil control what makes it fun to engineer and to find out how the first generation PD was working as Detroit was one of the first to use it.

Regarding raising rpm limit of Scanias and Volvos. Well yes they get it done and so what! Did they not get the idea to find out what happens with the calculations the ECU makes? Will be interesting I think?
In reality one find a solution to a problem or setting after digging a long time into the settings of an ECU and some time later this changed ECU end up in a other place and the setting will be copied over and this is how a part of chip and OBD tuning works. I don’t think I want to be a part of this spending a lot of time on these things finding out that your setting have been copied. It get me frustrated as it takes to long to make progress just on one thing. Not my game sorry. Also what you see is what you get so if the hardware dos not give you the option to control some simple thing as an external wastegate you have to keep adding a load of external things, same goes for data logging and so on so not a great fast way to make some progress on things with most ECU systems.:blahblah1:
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Today we visited the Daf factory in Eindhoven where the Daf Euro 6 Rally Truck was on display to promote the products of one of the team sponsors Nedschroef.



A boring day @ the office testing the Euro 6 Daf Paccar MX13 engine on the dyno. The only smoke we get is from the rear tyres so a bit of work on getting traction to pull some more power from this engine as it looks like there is plenty left just running on 2Bar or 29PSI boost 500Kw and during turbo spoolup/load stepping a AFR of 14 and no smoke!

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In reality one find a solution to a problem or setting after digging a long time into the settings of an ECU and some time later this changed ECU end up in a other place and the setting will be copied over and this is how a part of chip and OBD tuning works. I don’t think I want to be a part of this spending a lot of time on these things finding out that your setting have been copied. It get me frustrated as it takes to long to make progress just on one thing. Not my game sorry.

Thats how development goes forward, not everyone needs to spend time to one thing, they can copy it and concentrate to other things.

There's also this OBD thing, working trucks must have OBD port and there's more money in working engines. How many electronic controlled (non-piezo) diesel race engines there is in the world ? Amateur teams because pros use factory ECU or Bosch motorsport.
Leiffi you are stupid or very naive. This is steeling and like I mentioned before I don’t want to be a part of this. To slow on progress and not so easy to get data like we do with our ECU. Just pug in all sensor program them in or set calculations and start data logging and evaluating.

For example. We had a OBD tuner in yesterday spending 5 years on a ECU knowing all addresses by reversed engineering and building his own semi race engine as well. We made more progress in one day than he did in the last year attempting with trail and error still having a load of smoke with less Hp. Can someone explain me what I’m doing wrong? Or do I understand the fuel and turbo systems a lot better?

New project in progress.
Leiffi you are stupid or very naive. This is steeling and like I mentioned before I don’t want to be a part of this. To slow on progress and not so easy to get data like we do with our ECU. Just pug in all sensor program them in or set calculations and start data logging and evaluating.

For example. We had a OBD tuner in yesterday spending 5 years on a ECU knowing all addresses by reversed engineering and building his own semi race engine as well. We made more progress in one day than he did in the last year attempting with trail and error still having a load of smoke with less Hp. Can someone explain me what I’m doing wrong? Or do I understand the fuel and turbo systems a lot better?

New project in progress.
OBD tuner was doing something wrong. Some can do it, some dont.

No it's not stealing, it's sharing information, something you know nothing about.