new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Just saw this on facebook. You can thank Shawn Moody. LOL

pink stuff is yummy.......its all pink on the inside

..cept for that slimy chit mc'd's makes burger out of
well we went from talking bout poop to talking bout i combined em and got pink slime

same thing ant it??
lotta good things cum in pink...actually the best thing ever cums in pink

no grammar check needed..i spelled it the way i wanted it pinkie
Oh my sweet lawd wtf happened in here?!

Jory I saw that on Thoroughbred Diesel's site and posted it to my FB wall bahaha wayyyy ahead of you! :poke:

Sent from my iPhone
lotta good things cum in pink...actually the best thing ever cums in pink

no grammar check needed..i spelled it the way i wanted it pinkie

So you like the penis???

I knew there was something 'off' about you.
hey man that chit aint right..

Skip to 2:50 if you are in a hurry. :hehe:


Don't tell Dean...but...if he was coming to TS this year....THAT is the song I was going to play and dedicate to him. :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
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