new from Texas (5+ years ago)

He isn't gonna post those kinda pics LOL LOL LOL

But a pic would be nice. Or a discreet pm would be nice too.
A picture of the young lady's face (they have those you know) would be sufficient evidence of the aforementioned personal knowledge of said young lady.
face? hmm face nope doesn't ring a bell what is a face.... is it below the boobies or above?
Wow there are some very hard up guys in here. lol

Sad thing is most of them have significant others. If you want pics maybe you should ask them. I've already expressed by opinion of posting pics of girls like that. Not my thing.

Oh yeah and OMG...I was joking. I only know one girl from CS and it's not the one in the pic....unless that really is you Rug Rug? lol
Wow there are some very hard up guys in here. lol

Sad thing is most of them have significant others. If you want pics maybe you should ask them. I've already expressed by opinion of posting pics of girls like that. Not my thing.


Oh yeah and OMG...I was joking. I only know one girl from CS and it's not the one in the pic....unless that really is you Rug Rug? lol

LOL I got through the first two paragraphs and was thinking "he's such a good guy"! Then I got to the very last sentence fragment... :doh: it is NOT me!! bif
Could be worse Pinky. you could be hanging out with your roommate.

WIN! ^^^^ LOL:clap: Not that I need a pic of a woman...I have a wife and the ring means I own da booty....but that pic is funny as hell.

Here's how I feel about today...


Yip. It started out as one of these days.


I began with getting a 44 oz Mt Dew fountain with lots of ice. Drove a block to work. Sat it on my console with an old fry daddy I'm giving my boss, my keys, a usb drive, and an SD card. It sat there for 20 seconds while I got out and adjusted my pants on my fat ass. Then it decided to plunge into the shifter and dump all but two drinks of 44 oz of contents all over my shifter, Murphy display, console, passenger seat, and end up on the passenger floor board bleeding out at a rate just fast enough to empty said contents before I can run around the truck, open the door, and yell (*&%^* at the top of my lungs in the work parking lot. I'm sure the camera caught it...good thing it doesn't have audio. is one of those days.
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Could be worse Pinky. you could be hanging out with your roommate.

UGH. I went on another cleaning rampage last night when I got home. I made him feel REALLY bad when he got home. I think if I do it one more time, I might be able to make him cry! :lolly:

Yeah, she could feel like I feel right meow.

LOL This is perfect for you...

lebron-smallest-violin.gif could say I'm not really thrilled about having to learn how to hair clip my little girls hair every morning before school now since she wacked it off with momma's sissors. :(


AAAAnnnnd...yes, that is a black tub, black turd bowl, black sink, and orange OSU stuff everywhere! :D
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Oh good grief... LOL Mushy you know you are in trouble with Kaylee. She's SUCH a cute little stinker! Good thing she took after her momma with looks! :lolly:
Wade is definitely a product of his father... "Seahorse pee" :doh: HAHAHAHA