new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Oh good grief... LOL Mushy you know you are in trouble with Kaylee. She's SUCH a cute little stinker! Good thing she took after her momma with looks! :lolly:
Wade is definitely a product of his father... "Seahorse pee" :doh: HAHAHAHA

It is quite humorous how much Wade gets his "comedy" genetrically. :hehe:

Everybody needs to calm down and keep their composure. LOL

It is quite humorous how much Wade gets his "comedy" genetically. :hehe:

I LOVE this video even if it IS a repost! LOL

Everybody needs to calm down and keep their composure. LOL


Apparently I need to teach Nacho how to salsa... LOL

Yip. After 5321, I didn't figure anyone would remember it if I referenced it. :D

That dancing chihuahua needs to be your avatar.

LOL I do, because of that crazy mop of hair on Wade's head and their adorable screeching! LOL

No because I LOVE my grammar avatar. No, because that chihuahua isn't as cute as Nacho! Once Nacho learns to salsa I will request an avatar change! :D
That chihuahua cracked me up. Its shoulders even moved like it was dancing.

When it got posted on my wall this morning I had to watch it about 5 times, it was so hilarious! His little feet stepping around and his little hips swaying were too funny! LOL
The Pinkster is officially banned for one week of grammar and spelling correction after her text yesterday.
Autocorrect? That's your excuse? Now someone's getting desperate. lol

At first I thought you were drunk texting then I realized it was only 5pm.


J/K...gotta give you hell for all the hell you give us.
Autocorrect? That's your excuse? Now someone's getting desperate. lol

At first I thought you were drunk texting then I realized it was only 5pm.


J/K...gotta give you hell for all the hell you give us.

LOL It wasn't THAT bad, but it was bad for me. Two very different things! HAHAHA

Hey, I am just helping y'all improve your grammar and keep you on your toes! :)
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Maybe things will be better on the 5th.


This just made my day. I had almost forgotten. Mexican beer and Tacos on the lake :Cheer::Cheer:
An all time favorite to kill time.
