new from Texas (5+ years ago)

you wanna buy it?

Maybe once the dually is done and running where I want her, id buy your truck. Id like to get into a cr, so i can fully judge for myself if i like cr or 12v better. Yours was clean, and I know you take care of her, when you aren't jumping it and stuff.

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Maybe once the dually is done and running where I want her, id buy your truck. Id like to get into a cr, so i can fully judge for myself if i like cr or 12v better. Yours was clean, and I know you take care of her, when you aren't jumping it and stuff.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2
:hehe::hehe::hehe:!!! Indiana? Ya I can see that happening there.

There needs to be a test you have to pass before you can have kids. Like a basic common sense test. First question would be "If you were drunk as chit would you strap your kids to the hood of your car, because fuk it why not?".

Some people...should be stuffed into a rocket and shot into the sun.

Finished the thought for you.
Happy Hump Day CompD....The best part....only having to work a half day. Leaving at noon to go drag racing. :) Some days it's good to be the boss. :snoop:
:hehe::hehe::hehe:!!! Indiana? Ya I can see that happening there.

There needs to be a test you have to pass before you can have kids. Like a basic common sense test. First question would be "If you were drunk as chit would you strap your kids to the hood of your car, because fuk it why not?".

I was actually thinking that to myself this morning. There are SO many people who reproduce who shouldn't. I always say "just because you CAN reproduce, doesn't mean you should.

Finished the thought for you.

Thanks darlin, LOL!

Happy Hump Day CompD....The best part....only having to work a half day. Leaving at noon to go drag racing. :) Some days it's good to be the boss. :snoop:

:poke: After you said you wouldn't get sucked into drag racing... I told you, you would! LOL Good luck! Post up time slips! :Cheer:
:poke: After you said you wouldn't get sucked into drag racing... I told you, you would! LOL Good luck! Post up time slips! :Cheer:

Just something to do when truck pulling season hasn't started. I like drag racing but drag racing with 30k-45K pounds behind you is more fun. :)
Who needs to pay money for a sticker when you have a roll of shiny tape? :bang

It's been proven that 50% of the time chrome tape makes a truck go faster than a plain sticker 100% of the time.
Just something to do when truck pulling season hasn't started. I like drag racing but drag racing with 30k-45K pounds behind you is more fun. :)

:blahblah1: HAHAHA just giving you a hard time!

I believe that's called sled pulling............

You hush. Meow.

LOL I saw that this morning and giggled to myself... because it's so true.

It's been proven that 50% of the time chrome tape makes a truck go faster than a plain sticker 100% of the time.


Statistics confuse me.

That's the only thing that confuses you?! :lolly: