new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Thumbs down and some mind bleach "might" get me by until I can load a Aaron Lewis video. :D

Yallsallzz have a great weekend. Talk to ya Monday. If you can't make it to TS, just remember, IT IS GOING TO BE A BLAST! :hehe: Have all the salt for those wounds. We will drink out Taquillia straight.
I'll be here protecting your right to have TS in the first place. While those rights still exist.
I'll be here protecting your right to have TS in the first place.

We are ALL in debt to those who serve. :D

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.....Pinkster.....I just threw another one in the mix...I hope it doesn't suck. LOL I've only played it ten times a day for the last two days. Nothing like learnin' a new song 6 days before a show. :snoop:


I am really, really sad that I won't have that acoustic bass in the mix...dayum I love that.
It's aight. Still monday, but only 3 day work week this week! :D My car is broke, and I'm trying to get a dealer loaner, hopefully a BMW 335 Diesel to bring to TS! LOL
i had a baby coon **** in my lap once...i wasn't impressed..

btw did you say that animal aint been outta that cage in 3 yrs!!..shame on you sir...with all due respect...
btw did you say that animal aint been outta that cage in 3 yrs!!..shame on you sir...with all due respect...

LOL Yes, it has been a long time. She is 7 years old this month. She is papered so I don't really feel bad for her. :D
at least its a big cage I guess? I take it Dudley and Sophie don't get along LOL

He cages is 7 feet wide, 8 feet tall, and 14 feet long. She has a huge hollow tree and a "water feature". Don't be sad for Sophie.

The two dogs, Dudley Sue and Buttercup, play with her all the time through the panels. We just didn't wanting her getting pissed and jumpin' on them. I doubt I could have got the apart. The coon is cool...but you really have to watch her mood. She can turn 180 deg in a second. After all, she is a female.



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