new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Who is bringing the beer?
I'm already illegally making booze in the back room of hell. I've been here a while, take a stroll back here sometime. Be warned though, the main ingredient for hell booze is the devil's spit...and be thankful for that. The spit is a real concession on his part.....LOL.
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I'm already illegally making booze in the back room of hell. I've been here a while, take a stroll back here sometime. Be warned though, the main ingredient for hell booze is the devil's spit...and be thankful for that. The spit is a real concession on his part.....LOL.

Darling, I tend to question your sanity with these types of posts! Bahaha! :hehe:

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I'm already illegally making booze in the back room of hell. I've been here a while, take a stroll back here sometime. Be warned though, the main ingredient for hell booze is the devil's spit...and be thankful for that. The spit is a real concession on his part.....LOL.

Nice, you've got the good stuff. Do I make a left or right at Hitlers lemonade stand?
Nice, you've got the good stuff. Do I make a left or right at Hitlers lemonade stand?
Always. It's a right at Hitlers lemonade stand and make sure you goose step by him or you'll get an hour and a half lecture...he screams a lot about Nazi based stuff is the short version. Or if you're feeling extra froggy you can tell him your a jew and he'll chase you around like mad dog, trying to hack at your neck with the sharp wing part of his Nazi eagle themed lemonade pitcher. Don't worry he gets tukered out after about 15 minutes of chasing you and he'll go back to his lemonade stand.

Ya hell's back room is a nice little space. It's a small, cozy place with good lighting. It's damn warm in here, almost like it's this hot on purpose or something. I'm looking to get central AC in here soon.

The fire, brim stone, and eternal damnation theme is getting a little old though. It's like "Damn we get it already!" Anywho, I'm have Cindy (she's our interior designer/decorator) come in on Tuesday to spruce up the place. I'm thinking a nautical theme with a wet bar. She'd be here sooner, but it is a hell of trek down here.

...god I have a disgusting amount of free time on my handsLOL. Although it literally only took me two minutes to think of/type that. Does that make me more or less crazy?
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Always. It's a right at Hitlers lemonade stand and make sure you goose step by him or you'll get an hour and a half lecture...he screams a lot about Nazi based stuff is the short version. Or if you're feeling extra froggy you can tell him your a jew and he'll chase you around like mad dog, trying to hack at your neck with the sharp wing part of his Nazi eagle themed lemonade pitcher. Don't worry he gets tukered out after about 15 minutes of chasing you and he'll go back to his lemonade stand.

Ya hell's back room is a nice little space. It's a small, cozy place with good lighting. It's damn warm in here, almost like it's this hot on purpose or something. I'm looking to get central AC in here soon.

The fire, brim stone, and eternal damnation theme is getting a little old though. It's like "Damn we get it already!" Anywho, I'm have Cindy (she's our interior designer/decorator) come in on Tuesday to spruce up the place. I'm thinking a nautical theme with a wet bar. She'd be here sooner, but it is a hell of trek down here.

...god I have a disgusting amount of free time on my handsLOL. Although it literally only took me two minutes to think of/type that. Does that make me more or less crazy?

I'll come have a couple beers, then go make fun of Hitler, that sounds like fun. Once you get the A/C in I bet the place will be hopping.

By the way is Cindy hot? Or am I gonna be afraid of her like those beastly female russian trainers?

No it makes perfect sense, but Im not completely sane either.
Always. It's a right at Hitlers lemonade stand and make sure you goose step by him or you'll get an hour and a half lecture...he screams a lot about Nazi based stuff is the short version. Or if you're feeling extra froggy you can tell him your a jew and he'll chase you around like mad dog, trying to hack at your neck with the sharp wing part of his Nazi eagle themed lemonade pitcher. Don't worry he gets tukered out after about 15 minutes of chasing you and he'll go back to his lemonade stand.

Ya hell's back room is a nice little space. It's a small, cozy place with good lighting. It's damn warm in here, almost like it's this hot on purpose or something. I'm looking to get central AC in here soon.

The fire, brim stone, and eternal damnation theme is getting a little old though. It's like "Damn we get it already!" Anywho, I'm have Cindy (she's our interior designer/decorator) come in on Tuesday to spruce up the place. I'm thinking a nautical theme with a wet bar. She'd be here sooner, but it is a hell of trek down here.

...god I have a disgusting amount of free time on my handsLOL. Although it literally only took me two minutes to think of/type that. Does that make me more or less crazy?

If you took an aderol it is very likely that your brain would be projectile from your nose.
Did somebody say Aderol?

On the phone, so guess what I'm probably doing.
we need some t/a in this thread. been awhile.


im at werk so not me


