new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Man I missed a bit in here!

The Avengers was AWESOME in theaters, you totally missed out!
Jarrod, Jelich posted that on my FB wall earlier.
Randy the mini with its head through the door is definitely something Ace would do!

Well, I'm back. Let the silliness continue lol.

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Well I won cause of this time stamp
Today, 07:36 AM

and off of iFunny.

Hey, I was on vacation. I hardly used my phone for anything other than looking up directions for places to go eat!

Ok Jarrod you win lol.

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This will only be funny to people who know me well enough. This was at the bottom of an agreement I signed fir a job I recently applied for... LOL

"Ability to perform all tasks and job responsibilities safely without injury to self and others..."
Hellz ya!!!!

what the hell did you sign that "fir"? LOL

Here I thought no one would catch it after all this time off... makes me proud! :)

omg Pinky made a typo......

Lets celebrate!!!!! :cheer:

And you should wear bubble wrap when at that new job :hehe:

LOL Yeah I didn't think it was that hazardous when I applied for it... I laughed quite loudly in my office at that part! HAHAHA
Maybe...or just trying my hardest to infuriate (spelling?) Ms. Pinkster. LOL

Epically post by a dumb phone.
If I had the attention span I'd write all my messages in this thread with horrible spelling/grammar mistakes, no spaces, and I would write it in boustrophedon.