new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I find it funny how this thread has drastically slowed down since an end point has been established.

This is just the boost this thread needsLOL.
Very nice sir:clap:.

...No clue what we are going for here, but my gut tells me we're doing awesome......also I'm hungry.

Edit: Just noticed your Rachel Starr gif is clapping too...she's so supportive of your posts Cliff.
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Now I wish I would have seen the avengers in the theater. When the hulk went all badass and punched that giant flying armored worm thing, I peed myself.
Man I missed a bit in here!

The Avengers was AWESOME in theaters, you totally missed out!
Jarrod, Jelich posted that on my FB wall earlier.
Randy the mini with its head through the door is definitely something Ace would do!

Well, I'm back. Let the silliness continue lol.

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