new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Speakin' of breathin' lunch, I was discussing this subject with my buddy and laughin' our butts off....and he reminded me of clip from one of my favorite movies. LOL

I had to start the clip at 0:10 to get around the slight nudity in the first few moments.

Crap, it won't work. Goto youtube and search "coming to america royal penis". I won't post it. View at your own risk.
Speakin' of breathin' lunch, I was discussing this subject with my buddy and laughin' our butts off....and he reminded me of clip from one of my favorite movies. LOL

I had to start the clip at 0:10 to get around the slight nudity in the first few moments.

Crap, it won't work. Goto youtube and search "coming to america royal penis". I won't post it. View at your own risk.

Fail on trying to block out boobies......
As long as I don't post it where folks can see is all ON YOU!!!! LOL

Everyone, watch it a few times and the one next to Eddy when the other one has the huge ass block....

Wait did I say that out loud?
Wow, I go to sleep for 6 hours, and this is what I come back to? Children fighting over horses with gills and black porn?

I'm un-sub'd.
Wow, I go to sleep for 6 hours, and this is what I come back to? Children fighting over horses with gills and black porn?

I'm un-sub'd.

Oh whatever lol I see you still looking at the thread! LOL

What. The. Phuck.

My collection of My Little Pony dolls never did that schit! LOL Where do you find stuff like this!?
Motor Vehicle Division Contact Form

Michael Curtis Hill

Email Address:

Still haven't received titles

4 months have gone by and I still haven't received the titles for 2 vehicles I purchased. I've tried calling but I keep getting hung up on, or it just rings with no answer.

Vehicle 1 is Dodge Ram 3500, Vehicle 2 is a Suzuki Swift.

My address was:

But you may have used the address I recently moved too:

You can still send the titles to either address, I'll get them.

-Info-DOT MVInfo ✆
8:02 AM (6 hours ago)

to me
The titles were returned by the post office. They will go out in the mail to the xxxxxxxx address today. Thank you.

That sucks, Mike. I hope they get to you soon!

Suuuuure it was related... you just wish you had some My Little Pony dolls to play with! :hehe: