new from Texas (5+ years ago)


Rick... LOL

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Heck! Same night and this happens. I just learn to have thick skin and pretend you guys really care.

I'm just amused at how mad you get bahaha you set yourself up! :) Now stop being so butthurt. :hehe:

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^This is an actual wall post I saw on a friend's wall... why why WHY?! So much grammar fail, Rick you look like a genius next to this guy! LOL
I like your kind of compliments....."you know, standing next to a complete freakin' retard, you seem to be pretty normal." :hehe:
I like your kind of compliments....."you know, standing next to a complete freakin' retard, you seem to be pretty normal." :hehe:

LOL I think it's a gift of southerners; backhanded compliments! But seriously, it's all in fun! When I trolled Rick on Cliffy's phone I was dying laughing! Also, anytime I see complete grammar fails, I have to compare it someone I know. LOL