new from Texas (5+ years ago)

fes·toon [fe-stoon] noun
1. a string or chain of flowers, foliage, ribbon, etc., suspended in a curve between two points.

2. a decorative representation of this, as in architectural work or on pottery.

3. a fabric suspended, draped, and bound at intervals to form graceful loops or scalloped folds.

4. to polish a turd with pretty colors

fes·toon [fe-stoon] noun
1. a string or chain of flowers, foliage, ribbon, etc., suspended in a curve between two points.

2. a decorative representation of this, as in architectural work or on pottery.

3. a fabric suspended, draped, and bound at intervals to form graceful loops or scalloped folds.

4. to polish a turd with pretty colors


Exactly! It was Steve's backhanded compliment! Which is the nicest thing he has said about my truck! LOL :hehe:
Uh oh Jory...Pinky's gonna festoon your ass with invective now. LOL

That's TWO words I've had to look up at today. LOL

Everytime I see your username...I think of this.

[ame=""]Christmas Vacation Quote: Shittin Bricks! - YouTube[/ame]
LOL I love this site... y'all crack me up! The seminar speaker we are hosting is hanging out in my office waiting for my boss to get here, she asked to see the clip and DIED laughing; she loves that movie! :hehe: This big deal of an international professor is now quoting "Christmas Vacation" in my office!
Sweet. Tell her when she walks down the hall to say "Merry Christmas......Merry Christmas....kiss my ass.....kiss his ass.....kiss your own ass.....Happy Honikah. LOL
Screw all of that! Show her full metal jacket and quote that! Now that's funny!
Sweet. Tell her when she walks down the hall to say "Merry Christmas......Merry Christmas....kiss my ass.....kiss his ass.....kiss your own ass.....Happy Hanukkah. LOL

I guarantee you if she weren't giving a major seminar today, she probably would! LOL I had to pick her up from her hotel and bring her to campus, and the whole ride over she talked about how she loved Oxford because they shot Harry Potter nearby and she felt like Hermione Granger. :hehe: Then she asked me all about the truck, took a picture and sent it to her husband. Awesome.

Screw all of that! Show her full metal jacket and quote that! Now that's funny!

Ohhh look who's back! :hehe:

Nah, I doubt she would appreciate that humor quite as much lol.