new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Me too. Unless it's where they keep the boobies that aren't being used, I have no idea what Rack City is all about .
I should have also mentioned, if it's not where the unused boobies are being kept, I don't care what it's all about :D

[ame=""]Demonic Nacho - YouTube[/ame]

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I told y'all. She's insane. She's super sweet though hahaha she doesn't bite. She just seriously makes way too much noise!

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My boxer is that way. She likes to play rough and when it's time, she sounds like she could kill! However all she does is nibble on your arms and make all kinds of noise lol.

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LOL she still sounds like a puppy. She's gotten so big though!

My pit/shepard pup did that for the first few weeks when playing with my other dog, but she doesn't really do it anymore.
LOL she still sounds like a puppy. She's gotten so big though!

My pit/shepard pup did that for the first few weeks when playing with my other dog, but she doesn't really do it anymore.

4.2lbs :( she got huge!

She's not going to grow out of it, I guarantee it! She does it all the time lol.

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