new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Steve bahahaha that's Nacho and I if she were a human, lmao! :hehe:

Loren she is stronger than you think! She carries around toys the same size or bigger than her!

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Loren she is stronger than you think! She carries around toys the same size or bigger than her!

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Ants are strong, and they are small. Logically, Nacho is an ant sized dog so... I believe you.

I have to be honest, if something that small was running around my feet, I'd have to fight my compulsion to kick it.
LOL Ant sized dog. Actually at about 9 weeks and 1lb she was hauling toys around bigger than herself, that made her back feet come off the ground!

She has a bell so I can always find her and so I don't accidentally kick her as I'm walking. She gets under my feet often and every now and again as I'm taking a step, she goes along for the ride.

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Hey y'all I just found out my friend's horse got stuck in a cattle guard and had to be pulled her out. After that the horse's underlying genetic disorder, known as HYPP, caused her to have a stress induced heart attack that was too massive to overcome. She was supposed to move that horse into the stall next to Ace's later this month, too. :( I'm not the praying type but she is, so if y'all could even just say a few healing words in her favor today, I'd really appreciate it.

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Hey y'all I just found out my friend's horse got stuck in a cattle guard and had to be pulled her out. After that the horse's underlying genetic disorder, known as HYPP, caused her to have a stress induced heart attack that was too massive to overcome. She was supposed to move that horse into the stall next to Ace's later this month, too. :( I'm not the praying type but she is, so if y'all could even just say a few healing words in her favor today, I'd really appreciate it.

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The worst catastrophe's in our horse are always animal related.

That's a bummer, I'll say a few words.
The worst catastrophe's in our horse are always animal related.

That's a bummer, I'll say a few words.

I won't edit the above because your words are too kind to be a grammar nazi about it.

Thank you. It was really rough. Foxy somehow let herself out of her stall, and got in the cattle guard. In her panic she broke her pelvis and bled out internally, as well as giving herself a heart attack after an HYPP induced seizure. Horrific isn't even the word.
She had just been to an open show with her, where they placed really really well. My heart just breaks for her. :(
We got rid of our last mare last year...

WON'T be gettin another one.

I had one for about 6 months. She attacked Ace and beat him up BAD, amongst other things. She was gone the next week. Never again, I will stick to my geldings.
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Thanks Boo. She was a really awesome mare, and I hate mares.

Well, with that. I guess we should make you happy again.

Hows this ?

[ame=""]Clint Eastwood - Youre going to look awfully silly... - YouTube[/ame]
Who wants a sig quote?

Just trying to cheer you up a little, Pinky...not making light of a sad situation:)

Har har har! I have no idea how I let that one get by me! :doh:

I understand completely! You are putting into practice what I asked people to heed earlier: "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." - Mark Twain
I like to avoid walkin horses too...

But right now we have one, that like beatin up the old horse, and the new TB.

If he wasn't such a people person, and good with my boy around him, he'd be gone.
I like to avoid walkin horses too...

But right now we have one, that likes beatin up the old horse, and the new TB.

If he wasn't such a people person, and good with my boy around him, he'd be gone.