new from Texas (5+ years ago)

schweat! so you can be classified as a woman bringing me sammiches!

   [woom-uhn] Show IPA noun, plural wom·en  [wim-in] Show IPA, verb, adjective

the female human being ( distinguished from man).

an adult female person in charge of doing dishes, laundry, yard work, and bringing men sammiches, brownies, and cookies.

a female attendant to a lady of rank. A man's right hand especially when he has a broken arm and can't wipe or please himself.
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   [woom-uhn] Show IPA noun, plural wom·en  [wim-in] Show IPA, verb, adjective

the female human being ( distinguished from man).

an adult female person in charge of doing dishes, laundry, and yard work.

a female attendant to a lady of rank. A man's right hand especially when he has a broken arm and can't wipe or please himself.

Major fail... Nowhere in there does it say ANYTHING about cooking/bringing sammiches. Someone screwed up. LOL
Why yes, yes i did. Although you were a little too nice about it.


I am female; sugar and spice and everything nice! :D

Plus it is WAY more fun to be overly sweet when making fun of someone! :evil he can't get mad at me for that. ;)