new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Hey, those are bad @ss mixers!! We have one and I love that thing. Even has attachments you can buy for grinding up stuff or processing meat.

Women have to have their tools as well.

My mom has a red one and I always try to steal it! It makes baking etc 10x easier, totally justifiable! I have to decide between that and stuff for Pinky truck or a new saddle though. :(
Only bad part is that some of their tools can make a guy feel insecure about his manhood! Hard to compete with hardware the size of an elephant snausage! :hehe:

LOL ever since Jory got excited that you found your way here, I've been waiting for a comment... looks like we got it! :pop:
bring it! bif


My mom has a red one and I always try to steal it! It makes baking etc 10x easier, totally justifiable! I have to decide between that and stuff for Pinky truck or a new saddle though. :(

I hear ya! My mom has that red one as well, I love the stainless bowl and the chrome accents on it and it's the only kitchen tool that stays on the counter...
I know what you mean about deciding what to buy, I have the three toys in the sig plus others not listed. It's tough.

You want some of this, mister? bif

I hear ya! My mom has that red one as well, I love the stainless bowl and the chrome accents on it and it's the only kitchen tool that stays on the counter...
I know what you mean about deciding what to buy, I have the three toys in the sig plus others not listed. It's tough.

Yeah with the Pinky truck, 3 dogs and the horse I sometimes don't know which money pit is worse! :doh: then throw in kitchen goodies, guns, knives (Benchmade FTMFW!) and I'm done lol