new from Texas (5+ years ago)


:hehe: :hehe:

Did someone say "paddle" and "tail"?


:doh: oh good grief y'all lol
7 days and 40 pages long and already 350 posts, WOW

i think someone likes the attention
7 days and 40 pages long and already 350 posts, WOW

i think someone likes the attention

Hooold it there bud... I did not get on here for the attention. At all. Yes, that's a "sore subject" so to speak, because I am NOT one of those girls. Sure the thread has been running strong, but it's not because of me. This could very well be any other thread in the "general pit chat" area... rant over.
Hooold it there bud... I did not get on here for the attention. At all. Yes, that's a "sore subject" so to speak, because I am NOT one of those girls. Sure the thread has been running strong, but it's not because of me. This could very well be any other thread in the "general pit chat" area... rant over.

:clap: :rules: :clap: Someone with some class. :thankyou2:

We all needed a thread to dump our daily comedy in and you came along at the right time. You have more intelligence than the last dozen boys to sign up have put together. The fact that you are a female has very little to do with it except for maybe a post or two with a picture of a post-it note pad which is very rude. $.02
:clap: :rules: :clap: Someone with some class. :thankyou2:


We all needed a thread to dump our daily comedy in and you came along at the right time. You have more intelligence than the last dozen boys to sign up have put together. The fact that you are a female has very little to do with it except for maybe a post or two with a picture of a post-it note pad which is very rude. $.02

Thanks boys. It really does jerk my chain because females with genuine interest in this sport have a hard enough time without being constantly objectified. Do I like the banter and friendly spats? Absolutely. That being said, there are threads almost identical to this that were NOT started by a female. I am glad this thread went where it did, it's been good fun for everyone and not centered around any one person. I had a feeling this would eventually come up. I have said several times throughout this thread that I am NOT like that. I have made it quite clear as well.

The post-it note was from a good friend of mine who just REALLY likes to ruffle my feathers, he knows me well enough to know it wasn't meant to be offensive or suggestive; what made it so funny was that he posted it KNOWING I am not that kind of girl. Thanks for watching my back, Mushy ;)

ANYWAY now that this thread went and got all serious, I'll let y'all decide what we do now... :doh:
Back on track. I just walked outside. It is 105F. The dang bushes are following the dogs hoping to get a drink.
Back on track. I just walked outside. It is 105F. The dang bushes are following the dogs hoping to get a drink.

LOL bahahahaha yeah this 100-105* weather can take a hike aaaaaaanytime it wants to. Ace doesn't even wanna play tag in the arena LOL
Meh, I've been sweating over my pos truck all day. Test driving it to Cstat right now. The AC sure does feel better though. The nervousness of the test drive does not! LOL
Meh, I've been sweating over my pos truck all day. Test driving it to Cstat right now. The AC sure does feel better though. The nervousness of the test drive does not! LOL

Oh yuck, not the best weather for that :(

I hope it makes it! If you get here, and need a tow home, I know a certain Pinky truck that wouldn't mind helpin out :lolly:
Like I said before; where's that wide load banner? G? :hehe: LOL

Ill send it over. You might need to spray paint "extra" somewhere on it.

7 days and 40 pages long and already 350 posts, WOW

i think someone likes the attention

VVVVVV I told her to come over here because I knew the members here wouldnt be creepers like other sites.

I was wrong about some of you though LOL

Hooold it there bud... I did not get on here for the attention. At all. Yes, that's a "sore subject" so to speak, because I am NOT one of those girls. Sure the thread has been running strong, but it's not because of me. This could very well be any other thread in the "general pit chat" area... rant over.

Back on track. I just walked outside. It is 105F. The dang bushes are following the dogs hoping to get a drink.

Rained all day here and was in the mid 80's:rockwoot:
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Ill send it over. You might need to spray paint "extra" somewhere on it.

VVVVVV I told her to come over here because I knew the members here wouldnt be creepers like other sites.

I was wrong about some of you though LOL

Rained all day here and was in the mid 80's:rockwoot:

It's all YOUR fault! LOL thanks G :)

I have the paint ready, send the banner!

Bantyroosters 2.0? :doh: