new from Texas (5+ years ago)

And why you know call or pm me back? I really need those gaskets!! LOL

Because. I was busy. I'm busy right know too, I just wanted to sit for a minute.

You said you wanted to talk one more time before pulling the trigger so, I was waiting for you to call me. Sorry.
Hey, is it against the law to leave a bar unattended ? Like say, after last call, is the bartender allowed to leave the bar with patrons still in the building ?

Legally the patrons must be thrown out by a cut off time, here it's 2am. You can close the bar down and reopen it in order for it to be an "after hours" bar if you'd like, but no booze can be served. We NEVER left anyone inside. Some people tried to stay, but it never worked out too well for them. LOL
Legally the patrons must be thrown out by a cut off time, here it's 2am. You can close the bar down and reopen it in order for it to be an "after hours" bar if you'd like, but no booze can be served. We NEVER left anyone inside. Some people tried to stay, but it never worked out too well for them. LOL

Thank you Kyle. That's what I thought. It's an unsafe practice. People should not be expected to think rationally at 2 a.m. LOL
Because. I was busy. I'm busy right know too, I just wanted to sit for a minute.

You said you wanted to talk one more time before pulling the trigger so, I was waiting for you to call me. Sorry.

No worries Jeff, I thought the lady said she was gonna have you call me back yesterday. I know you're swamped.
All the bars around here send everyone out the door at 1:30....or at least used to before I had kids and quit going. That gave them 30 min to fight any problems and not miss the cut off.
[ame=""]Chapman Stick, 2 hand Blues - YouTube[/ame]
I prefer a geetar. :D

[ame=""]White Lion - When the Children Cry (official music video) HQ - YouTube[/ame]
Top comment had me rofl

[ame=""]Siberian Husky Howling - YouTube[/ame]

"This is a test of the emagency broadcast huskey."

[ame=""]DO NOT CLICK!!! HUMAN GETS DEVOURED BY WHALE mammals gone wild! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Ranger greets SSG Abel home from Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

One nasty sounding poodle mix. Top Comment: Swiper no swiping LOL There are some good terminator comments in there too

[ame=""]Dog saves cat from fox! - YouTube[/ame]
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Theres a couple that made me lol

[ame=""]Youtube video - YouTube[/ame]
here's some onions

[ame=""]Soldier Surprises Son - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Little Girl Cries So Hard Over Daddy Coming Home - YouTube[/ame]
LOL, what a jackass! Doubt that's real though. There has never been a fatal attack on a human by a wild killer whale to my knowledge.

Orca (Killer Whales) pods develop unique feeding/hunting behaviors in different parts of the world to utilize unique food sources. There is an (one or more-I forget) Orca pod in Patagonia that has learned to beach themselves to catch sea lion pups on the beach. They then wiggle back into deeper water and swim away with their prize in mouth.

[ame=""]Killer whales hunting sealions on a beach - YouTube[/ame]

Killer Whales- The assholes of the deep? Maybe........maybe.

There, don't say I never taught you land lubbers anything:D.
"The victim appeared to be “extremely intoxicated and showed signs of physical and possible sexual assault,” the report states."

Buncha butt-chugging mudsharks.
Can you keep a straight face? LOL

[ame=""]Tennessee Fraternitys Hilarious Press Conference to Deny Butt Chugging Charges - YouTube[/ame]
If I get sick from too much wine and throw up....will you hold my butt hair?

[ame=""]Alcohol Enema At Frat Party (SPREAD YOUR CHEEKS) - YouTube[/ame]