new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I was 71% Dixie. I guess my dad being a back hills bred West Virginian rubbed off on me.
crackers are good. im eating ritz right now. Thats my 2 cents. -now if i could just find that mod
I'm new so my apologies if this has been covered, but were you featured in Diesel World, like the "Women of Diesel" article? I swear I've seen your pic somewhere in a magazine. A nice magazine before anyone else gets on that one!
I'm new so my apologies if this has been covered, but were you featured in Diesel World, like the "Women of Diesel" article? I swear I've seen your pic somewhere in a magazine. A nice magazine before anyone else gets on that one!

Penthouse is a nice magazine. ??
I'm new so my apologies if this has been covered, but were you featured in Diesel World, like the "Women of Diesel" article? I swear I've seen your pic somewhere in a magazine. A nice magazine before anyone else gets on that one!

No, I haven't and no need to apologize. I have never submitted anything to any magazines before. There are quite a few pink-ish trucks out there, now though.
I'm new so my apologies if this has been covered, but were you featured in Diesel World, like the "Women of Diesel" article? I swear I've seen your pic somewhere in a magazine. A nice magazine before anyone else gets on that one!

It was not Diesel World it was Grammar Life.
It wasn't the truck that I thought I recognized, but I must have been mistaken.

Easy big fella.


This Grammar Life sounds like a nice magazine, would you be so kind as to forward me a subscription card from your next issue? Thanks!

They are hard to come by, I can try!

The guards take all the subscription cards out. You'll have to get one at Walgreen's.
