new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Although this one does like diesel trucks and guns so she can't be that bad. And it is nice to see an attractive woman that is into trucks, instead of the normal 400 pounders or the ones rockin a mullet! But, you all enjoy, got my 10 posts in, so I can sell my rockin stacks. Kidding, needed my post count up so I could buy and pm. Later boys. Rock on Pinky, keep schoolin these boys!
:doh: I wasn't trying very hard. Sorry. Maybe next time.

I have faith in you, you can do it!

Not hitting on her, just thought her photo (fully clothed) looked like someone that was featured. She's a woman anyway so that makes her evil. One divorce cost me enough! I'll take my truck. Less back talk!

:blahblah1: You just picked the wrong one! I guess I am evil, because I fully encourage and support my guy's truck habits. :)

Although this one does like diesel trucks and guns so she can't be that bad. And it is nice to see an attractive woman that is into trucks, instead of the normal 400 pounders or the ones rockin a mullet! But, you all enjoy, got my 10 posts in, so I can sell my rockin stacks. Kidding, needed my post count up so I could buy and pm. Later boys. Rock on Pinky, keep schoolin these boys!

You are a retard, so you will fit in just fine around here! :hehe:
Easy woman. I don't like what you insinuate.

Jory, I mustache ask you a question... LOL But really, we are all a bit off-center, it makes it fun!

Also, I think that is the FIRST full sentence, devoid of "Jory-isms"! No improper grammar or jumbled words. YAY! :woohoo:
It probably could have used a comma between "easy" and "woman", but whatever :D

It could've, but let's not push things here; he had a breakthrough moment! LOL

You're correct. You women ARE all a bit off-center. That is one complete sentence for which I am in total agreement.


I won't argue with you on that one! ;)

I'm not so sure it's being tickled, but here 'ya go

[ame=""] Penguin Being Tickled [/ame]