new from Texas (5+ years ago)

You girls probably think the best thing that came outta ford was international LOL
You are most likely shopping in the wrong store missy.LOL

Could be. I've meet assholes that drive Dodges, Fords and Chevys. I rarely judge a man by the horse he rides. Women... I judge.

bif you're lucky I like you lol but you know I am just kidding ;) we're all friends here! :lolly:
Some parts with a C on them would be the best thing that truck ever got.

Haters. You wanna fund a swap into the Pinky truck? Then I'd do it LOL

On the contrary Pink. You are lucky that I like you :).

Stop the ebonics. It makes me want to punch you. :wrong:

LOL whatevs Boo, you know I didn't come on here to be liked or disliked, just to learn more :)
LOL whatevs Boo, you know I didn't come on here to be liked or disliked, just to learn more :)

Just playin'. I know.
Sorry if you think the long intro thread demeans you in any way. It is quite normal for female intros to go quite a few pages, then fall off the map. The male intros only go epic when they prove to be jackwads. Otherwise they may get a few hits and disappear.
You've done nothing here but say hello and field comments like a pro as far as I can tell. I respect you and your goals. I was born anti Ford, so I can't help you on the technical side of things. I can tell you honestly that you've found the right place to learn. Personally, I'd like to see 1000 post out of this one.
I'll put anything in there you want, but I'm not paying for it. :D

LOL well then what good are you? Kidding, I'm sure you could teach me a bit more about these silly Cummins... I've avoided them this long but it seems inevitable that I learn more :doh:

Just playin'. I know.
Sorry if you think the long intro thread demeans you in any way. It is quite normal for female intros to go quite a few pages, then fall off the map. The male intros only go epic when they prove to be jackwads. Otherwise they may get a few hits and disappear.
You've done nothing here but say hello and field comments like a pro as far as I can tell. I respect you and your goals. I was born anti Ford, so I can't help you on the technical side of things. I can tell you honestly that you've found the right place to learn. Personally, I'd like to see 1000 post out of this one.

Thanks, Boo :) well, so long as I up your daily Ford tolerance and you pass along your diesel wisdom I'll be a happy chica! That's why I'm here; I know enough to know I don't know enough!
Thanks, Boo :) well, so long as I up your daily Ford tolerance and you pass along your diesel wisdom I'll be a happy chica! That's why I'm here; I know enough to know I don't know enough!

Here is my formula. Add fuel, Add air, add fuel, add air. I believe the IHC formula includes bust this/bust that/fix this/replace that/ buy a Cummins. Not sure though.
In the Cummins world you can add fuel, add air many times before the catastrophe.
Here is my formula. Add fuel, Add air, add fuel, add air. I believe the IHC formula includes bust this/bust that/fix this/replace that/ buy a Cummins. Not sure though.
In the Cummins world you can add fuel, add air many times before the catastrophe.

*sigh* Boo, you are just tryin to get to 1k posts :doh:

How did u get a pink compD sticker!? I want one!! :)

On the home page there is a thread about the stickers :)