new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I have 262,000 miles on my 6.0l and have had no problems(Ive owned it since 140,000). And I don't exactly drive conservatively... LOL

^ he speaks the truth, he beats the hell outta that thing and it just keeps on going! I have performed preventative maintenance on mine because no matter WHAT I own, my bad luck will always come into play. That being said, I love and trust my 6.0 and she performs and delivers without issues every single time :)
I am sure my 7.3 will still be running for at least another decade, or until I replace it with a CR 5.9.
^ he speaks the truth, he beats the hell outta that thing and it just keeps on going! I have performed preventative maintenance on mine because no matter WHAT I own, my bad luck will always come into play. That being said, I love and trust my 6.0 and she performs and delivers without issues every single time :)

And to think I believed you were an intelligent girl......
How is that backpedaling? I stand by my first statement, and gave you some hope with the second!
Don't get your hopes up. I'm like Barrack, I'll tell you all the hope and change you want, but I ain't doin any of it!
This is my contribution to the goal. My post has no relevance whatsoever, but none of the posts in this thread seem to have much relevance. Carry on.
Kinda hope the non sense is gonna stop around #1501 or so..

Till then.