new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I'd rock that little bus. That is cool as chit. I'd drive it to work and load it to capacity and still make 10 trips to the loonie bin. LOL

I bet it would tail stand with enough horsepower. :D
Is that Pikes Peak?

Yessir! The people who race this road are insane.

I think I'm gonna go to the top of Mt Evans on my next day off, it's even higher.

Where and what road is that?

As mentioned, Pikes Peak Highway.

That's Pikes Peak...

And it's about as green as I've ever seen it. Y'all must be gettin alot of rain.

Tons. It's rained more this year than any of the last 10 I've been here.
I'd rock that little bus. That is cool as chit. I'd drive it to work and load it to capacity and still make 10 trips to the loony bin. LOL

I bet it would tail stand with enough horsepower. :D

LOL paint it pink and I'd drive it!

I wish we still had a dairy queen in town.

I love me some Dairy Queen

I think I'm gonna go to the top of Mt Evans on my next day off, it's even higher.

Tons. It's rained more this year than any of the last 10 I've been here.

Oh I hear Mt. Evans is so gorgeous; still super jealous. I just miss CO...

I am also jealous of the rain... we are in a badddd drought. I have to get hay from New York and all the stock ponds we usually go riding and swimming in are all dry :(

Oh I hear Mt. Evans is so gorgeous; still super jealous. I just miss CO...

I am also jealous of the rain... we are in a badddd drought. I have to get hay from New York and all the stock ponds we usually go riding and swimming in are all dry :(


It is. LOL All of our lakes/ponds here a full, we've been spending plenty of time of the water. Hell I think were gonna take the boat out again in a few hours. I'm enjoying it, but I'm kinda ready for the snow.

We're getting too much. I can't keep my damn truck clean.
I would rock that short bus!! Just need to get me a sweet color matched helmet :hehe:
It is. LOL All of our lakes/ponds here a full, we've been spending plenty of time on the water. Hell I think were gonna take the boat out again in a few hours. I'm enjoying it, but I'm kinda ready for the snow.

We're getting too much. I can't keep my damn truck clean.

I'd just like a day or 2 in the mid 80s and some rain every now and again, it's too hot to do anything at all. Even the dogs don't wanna go outside in the kiddie pool! You can have the snow... ever been in TX when it snows? It's like the end of the damn world to them :doh:

I would rock that short bus!! Just need to get me a sweet color matched helmet :hehe:

LOL I am actually in the midst of sewing a hot pink, rhinestone encrusted cape for some friends in CO for their next track day HAHAHA maybe I can decorate a helmet for you too LOL
LOL paint it pink and I'd drive it!

I love me some Dairy Queen

Oh I hear Mt. Evans is so gorgeous; still super jealous. I just miss CO...

I am also jealous of the rain... we are in a badddd drought. I have to get hay from New York and all the stock ponds we usually go riding and swimming in are all dry :(

You just need to convert your truck bed back into a hot tub!

There was a Powerstroke owner several years ago who bought a short bus to use as a tow rig and for hauling employees to job sites. I remember some posts about it but can't recall who it was. I thought it would be a fun project!

You can have some of our water! We STILL haven't broken 90° yet this year, although there is a chance of that this weekend. Compared to this point in a "normal" racing season I've used about 3x the propane (for heating the camper at night) and about 1/2 the generator gas (partly to run the A/C in the warm times). There was a news story about how all the people are flocking to the rivers now that we finally got into the upper 70's and lower 80's, but there is no beach at most spots since the water is so high from all the rain we have had this year.
Holy Crap! Hay from New York, the state?? I'd hate to see that fuel bill. How much are yall getting in one shipment?
Were on a waiting list for some rice stubble in Oklahoma. $hit, some of the rice farmers around here are cutting down their rice crop for hay. And more dry tanks than you can shake a stick at. We're hauling water to two of our places already and the well at the third is sucking air. Terrible I tell ya, just pathetic.
Rub it in why don't ya LOL

I'll remember to snap a picture of one of the three I pass daily, JUST for you, boo ;)

You just need to convert your truck bed back into a hot tub!

There was a Powerstroke owner several years ago who bought a short bus to use as a tow rig and for hauling employees to job sites. I remember some posts about it but can't recall who it was. I thought it would be a fun project!

You can have some of our water! We STILL haven't broken 90° yet this year, although there is a chance of that this weekend. Compared to this point in a "normal" racing season I've used about 3x the propane (for heating the camper at night) and about 1/2 the generator gas (partly to run the A/C in the warm times). There was a news story about how all the people are flocking to the rivers now that we finally got into the upper 70's and lower 80's, but there is no beach at most spots since the water is so high from all the rain we have had this year.

I am seriously considering going redneck hot tub this weekend out at the barn LOL I know Ace would love to play in the water again! PLEASE send us some rain, this is getting beyond ridiculous. That and the dang heat. Devil called, he wants his weather back!

Back my sophomore year in college my buddies all went in on an old bus; gutted it, redid the engine, painted it, wired a badass sound system etc in and we road-tripped it in Panama City, FL in that LOL dang I miss that stupid bus.

Holy Crap! Hay from New York, the state?? I'd hate to see that fuel bill. How much are y'all getting in one shipment?
Were on a waiting list for some rice stubble in Oklahoma. $hit, some of the rice farmers around here are cutting down their rice crop for hay. And more dry tanks than you can shake a stick at. We're hauling water to two of our places already and the well at the third is sucking air. Terrible I tell ya, just pathetic.

My friend who owns a barn locally just brought in 700 bales. I was lucky and got 20 bales locally for $6/bale, fertilized AND irrigated, right from the field. He held 20 bales just for me because he loves Pinky truck LOL (he's the SWEETEST old man, old time farmer) this drought is somethin' awful, add in the heat and it's honestly the worst possible combination. Definitely worries me for the winter. No 3rd cuttings, no surplus, not good...
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OH, forgot horse people feed squares. I was thinking round bales. My bad.

Yep, priest at church last Sunday made a joke that he and the other priest are trying to turn the wine back into water it's so dry.
OH, forgot horse people feed squares. I was thinking round bales. My bad.

Yep, priest at church last Sunday made a joke that he and the other priest are trying to turn the wine back into water it's so dry.

Hay is one of those things I am quite snobby about for my horse; then again he was a starved, neglected thing when I got him so I tend to spoil him... Plus we have no real place for round bales right now anyway. Squares are so much easier to store at the barn. 700 round bales would be RIDICULOUS from NY lol :eek:

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