new from Texas (5+ years ago)


Alright well screw you guys, Im leaving work and taking the jet skis out!
Holy sheep chit'd better quit your day job 'cause the spelling/grammar challenged kids around here seem to be taking over. Go check out the "Introduction" forum. Better grab a case. :Cheer:

LOL on 2 other forums I already have some of them correcting themselves
He'll ya ! I'm gonna put the gf on the other one and watch her tits bounce as she hits the waves!!
You ain't got no 'stache! bif If you've recently started on...go wipe that dirt off yer lip boy.

Holy sheep chit'd better quit your day job 'cause the spelling/grammar challenged kids around here seem to be taking over. Go check out the "Introduction" forum. Better grab a case. :Cheer:

Do horses kick jealoussss girls?

Smart. This is the best way. When they correct themselves it indicates that they are learning. Very good. Maybe that could be your job here.?

Pinky the tard trainer.

no but they kick smartass boys ;)

YES! Pinky: 'tard trainer deluxe! cleaning up diesel forums one dumbass at a time