new page banner sucks

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ag/diesel mechanic
May 10, 2009
dont know if im the only one thinking this,but whats with the skulls???
isint this a site for diesel gear heads,cant see what skulls have to do with the content of this site. mabye if this was a site for serial killers and villans.
no, you're not the only one... I think it's uber lame, but it's not my website, and I don't come here for the banner
i wondered how long it would be before a topic came up about the banner, its TONS better than lookin at some ghey lifted ford and almost as ghey lifted chev LOL
dont know if im the only one thinking this,but whats with the skulls???
isint this a site for diesel gear heads,cant see what skulls have to do with the content of this site. mabye if this was a site for serial killers and villans.

I agree with you on that.
I just liked it from an artistic stand point...

Skulls really aren't my thing either but they only represent what we're made of... Unless you go with the crowd and just expect that its "Evil"...

Ah well!! Like Forrest Said, It's about the content here, not the banner..
i come here for the boobies when a thread derails, so we get to see boobies alot, lets put some boobies in the banner
I like the design and art, BUT not here, we should have something that resembles diesels, and not brand specific, i would do something with parts like turbos, diesel pistons, injectors, smoking exhaust stacks, mabye a catchy saying...
i come here for the boobies when a thread derails, so we get to see boobies alot, lets put some boobies in the banner

:lolly: I like this idea.





And none of you came up with anything yet bash on what someone else decided to come up with. Nothin wrong with this banner.
my opinion doesn't count for much if anything, but it's better than a lot of other diesel related sites in my opinion. This is the site where the hardcore people go correct? Well that skull looks pretty hardcore
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