new page banner sucks

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I like it, a little change is good. Thanks and keep up the good work on the site.
I wonder if everyone crying has their own website the size of this one?
Built from scratch, paid for out of pocket for a long while, staffed, maintained, upgraded, more money invested, added forums when requested, built a mobile site, paid for server upgrades, worked countless hours for free, etc.....just to have some whiney mother phuckers cry cause you changed the header design.

If you DON'T own a website and you HAVEN'T done all those things....shut the Phuck up about it. Phil busted his ass on that and it's a work in progress.
Y'all should be thanking him and Tim for this place even existing.

whos crying?? if a few opinions bother you so much why have a section for feedback and suggestions??? I dont think Anyone is as bent out of shape about the banner as you are reading some feedback. no one said this wasent a dang good website! and we all know theres probably few that could create and operate one comparable to this one.:clap:
Aren't both of those supposed to be worn three sizes to small?

I think so ask Stainless LOL

LOL Close, two sizes.

I think he has some sort of alert system so that whenever the word "Affliction" comes up on here he can whip right in and post a picture!LOL

LOL No nick I just look for key words, like here I saw "affliction" at the top of the page. So I knew if I scrolled down....
I wonder if everyone crying has their own website the size of this one?
Built from scratch, paid for out of pocket for a long while, staffed, maintained, upgraded, more money invested, added forums when requested, built a mobile site, paid for server upgrades, worked countless hours for free, etc.....just to have some whiney mother phuckers cry cause you changed the header design.

If you DON'T own a website and you HAVEN'T done all those things....shut the Phuck up about it. Phil busted his ass on that and it's a work in progress.
Y'all should be thanking him and Tim for this place even existing.

TRANSLATION:"Ya'll can ***** and moan about anything you want, as long as you dont cross UNBROKENS opinions or friends."

Richard, sometimes I swear you are a Democrat.:kick:

I saw the thread about the skull being awesome BEFORE I noticed there was a change.
So I looked at it.

And I thought, odd choice, pretty much gay, but WTF do I care?

And went right back to arguing about important things. Like football and politics. call me a Democrat again and we're gonna have issues between us. :poke: LOL
OK guys this is getting stupid, everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't like the banner Sorry, if you love it great, no since in it getting out of hand.
I think this thread has lived it's life. I'm closing it.

Plus I'm tired of discussing it. Send me a PM if you want to discuss it anymore.
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