
Not at all actually. Just find it comical u two take time out of your day to follow me around on this site. Im sure your time is precious. Don't wanna miss out on the sister time. I like how u said u were informing me. Calling me a douche bag was very informative. Thanks by the way. I don't get butt hurt i been married for 12 years nothing u two a--holes can say too get me butt hurt i can assure u. Cool race cars by the way

have you really been married for 12 years? because you level of maturity says you are maybe 20 years old

Oh he's butt hurt now!

haha yea hes definitely butt hurt
Whoa! Easy on the stereotypes!

haha sorry, it was just a guess. i forgot to say i factored in the poor grammar. theres a special equation to calculate someones age by their grammar skills and maturity level. haha i crack myself up
I just sold him my old work truck and refered him to this sight to purchase parts. I didn't know it would turn out like this.
well im sorry that it did, i dont like to raz people very bad but i tried to warn him
I just sold him my old work truck and refered him to this sight to purchase parts. I didn't know it would turn out like this.

You should have told him not to be a tard.

Wanted: tapatalk signature
haha sorry, it was just a guess. i forgot to say i factored in the poor grammar. theres a special equation to calculate someones age by their grammar skills and maturity level. haha i crack myself up

21 here... I try to watch my grammar lol