Newly redesigned 24v springs $199

Then why the hell did you buy a set of my 110#s ? I have said many times with the agressive ramp rates my cams have, they need more spring pressure to control the valves. With almost 20,000 springs I have sold, wouldn't you agree that I would have seen a bunch of failures by now if the pressure was too much. With the lazy ramp of the h2 you are running you can get away with much less pressure. If you want to turn this thread into an all out pissing match I can go on for days about the Helix cam you are running having the lobes too thin for low zinc oils. Would you like to see pics of the helix lobe damage after less than 1000 miles?
I would rather just run a sale on springs for all of the people on compD. Deal?


Maybe not spring failure but stock pushrods Cant say the same.
pdr sold springs back in the day that had 220# on the seat and then backed them down to 160# and I never heard of any failed pushrods. Sir do you have any supporting data on the rods, or are you just voicing your opinion, and what is the basis of your argument. Mine are over 50# lighter than the lightest PDR spring was. And by the way I am starting another thread so that we can fight all day and night about springs, This thread is about a spring sale nothing more nothing less.
I ran his stock springs on my stock pushrods for a little while with no issues along with a bunch of other people with no issues.
man you need to calm down and just straight up quit pissing on people and potential customers, it's like u have to fight everyone to prove your point!
I would love to have a set of springs unfortunately School takes all my money.

On a side note from all the drama I am happy with my HD products!
I am sure Zach will sell out of springs like he always does when he has a sale like this, So someone must like his products:Cheer:
Hey guys please move the pissing match to the new pissing match thread. Thankyou! THis thread is about a spring sale.
Hey Zach, You gonna be around the shop tomorrow, I'm headed to Austin so figured I would come the rest of the way a pick a set up.
dang i wish i had some extra cash laying around right now, i would love to have a set!
Thanks for the great deal on the springs Zach, sorry I missed you today. Next time I'll come later in the evening and bring a few Lonestars.
Oh yeah, my wife didn't like the lady's on the back as much as I did, but she will get over it.