NHRDA Texas Diesel Nationals - April 13th 2013

I pulled up the live feed as soon as wade took off. then saw the black mustang die and run backwards....lol
he pulled the chute too quick on the first pass, he said he forgot it was 1/4 mile and he pulled like he was racing 1/8 mile. Anyway, he had Dirty Max in the final and Dirty Max has a new driver and is running a single GT 55 and he kid has yet to get it spooled off the line so Wade should have an easy pass in the final, see if he can back up the 7.58
God it's so friggin slow and seems like all the fast stuff is leaking something or don't run with a crap
If Wade ran a .58 I dunno how sub-par that is.

Sarcasm brought to you by Tapatalk
So Why not say, WADE WADE WADE!!!

Cause he seemed to hook!!


He wasn't the fastest car at the track. There were a few others that i caught on the live stream that should of went 6's or faster, couldn't make it past the 330. What ever the case it sucks.
So Why not say, WADE WADE WADE!!!

Cause he seemed to hook!!


I can't stand Wade , but he ran 4 passes back to back with out a bobble,
what most impresed me was the back half 2.682 , and gaining 41 mph
There is at least a tenth to .15 in the front half left on the table

Congratulations Wade :clap:

Here were his incremental on that pass

60 110

330 3.222

660 4.904 @ Mph 140.51

1000 6.354

1320 7.587 @ Mph 181 .52
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Maybe i didn't catch it in the broadcast but why only the 8th? licensing passes?

Your first licensing pass is basically a launch, second pass is what they term a moderate, or to the 330. Then two half-tracks and then you go to the stripe, for a total of 6 passes. She had good clean passes
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