Nitrous bottle/lines/jets etc.

Yes I re-read your replys 10x shaking my head. You still have not called me back. Not one time. Give me your PayPal information please.
I tried to re-fund your money and PayPal is telling me your not setup to receive payments. If this couldn't be anymore of a pita for me...just call me back so I can get this over with. I don't really like communicating on here.
I tried calling you 7 times this morning and your phone is dumping to vmail.
My fault again, should have realized you can read fine, its the comprehension part that's tricky. If you could comprehend then your question would be answered, instead it seems I am getting harassed by an upset high school girl.

Let me post what I said again.

And now I have to pay extra for shipping, again probably all my fault.

How much do I owe you now?

Take a breath, read slow, I believe in you, you can do this.
I called you again short bus driver. No answer. I need to know your address to let you know what shipping cost will be.
Won't be back home till this weekend (which is where the stuff is) so the earliest I'll be able to ship is Monday.
I sent out your stuff today. It will be there tomorrow via UPS
Tracking number is 1Z69R1010376470573
It was $32.10 to ship. I sent you a picture of the reciept with the shipping info, but you didnt text back.
I sent you a PM as well.
Please send the payment for shipping to KupferschmidSamuelJ@JohnDeere.Com
I learnted sometin new twoday. Apparently 20 = 10.

20 lb. NX bottle. Its probably 3/4 full.


Let me guess this is also my fault?

Please don't bother texting me. I thought it would of been apparent I don't text by me not texting. Don't bother calling either. I would rather have everything posted on here so its not this he said she said bull****.
Hmm.. that was kinda obvious that it's 10lbs. But whatever.
Let me know when you kids are done nut punching each other so I can get rid of this thread.
Seems like all this back and fourth bullchit could have been avoided by just answering a call. What a headache.
Sorry about that. Complete honest mistake.
But like stated above and many times by me before, I have tried to call you, text you, and just about every other type of communication and it failed. And I even tried to refund your money.
So at this point I am glad its over. I wish I would have never listed this stuff and I would of much rather dug a hole and burried it.
This thread can be deleted.