Nov. 7th CenTex Pull

I'm talking about the cooki monster! That thing gets trailered to every event in Texas. Fires up on the trailer and that's it! I want to see it run!!!
That's a Louie thing.......... Trust me, Corey wants that truck to do more than sit on a trailer.
yea that blue truck prob should just wait til it can actually make a full pass before it shows up anywhere else
Man I wish this thing hadnt taken place on the opening morning of deer season.... I was all geared up, even have a hitch now.. When is the next one and what are the chances it will be open? Im going to be moving to San Saba soon so it would just be a short drive.
The TDTPA is planning on have 5 events next year. I think the first event will be in march at the diamond w arena in alvarado. This will be the same great show that is put on by ODRA and 5E Diesel. The other 4 have not been set yet but will be large events with big payouts. They will be set up across Texas so everyone can attend. Some of the locations being considered are the Houston, Waco, Abilene, San Antonio, DFW areas. If anyone has any ideas on good locations let us know. The venue needs to be big enough to have a 300+ foot track with plenty of seating and located near a larger city.