Oil Pressure Reading


Welding Extraordinaire!
Sep 30, 2007
Ok so i'm drving home last night and i noticed my check gauge light was on. I scnaed the cluster and the oil pressure had fallen off the map. THis only happened when the truck was stopped. I was driving on the freeway and there weren't any issues and when i got off the off ramp and slowed to a stop t would instantly fall to nothing...give it some throttle and bam back up. I was about 1 mile from my house when this happend and I went inside did some stuff and restarted the truck. It started right up and it was good to go. I went to bed woke up and ahhh NEGATIVE on the starting. It turn over once.. and sounded liek it wanted to go and then just died... I did that twice and detuned it.. and tried again. Nothing. My buddy is commin down from Ford to take a peak at it.. but I wanted to know what you fine folks thought.
Install a hard gauge and see what its actually doin. split the problem from electrical to mechanical and then figure it out from there. Do all the easy steps first. The KISS rule. "Keep it simple stupid" that's what I was tought. Let us know what u find
I'll see what I drum up. I'm not going to be outta work for another couple of hours and my buddy will be over at 600ish. By that time the mystical Ford laptop will be in full operation and I'm sure it willl tell me whats going on.
The gauge on the dash just turns on and off at ~7psi. So it might have a switch problem that its not turning on until it gets hit by higher pressure.
Well My buddy was unable to stop over today.... perhaps tommarrow. HE said there is a switch that goes bad on them.. if not my LPOP has **** itself and sinc emy truck is an o3 based motor.. i gotta get the 05 and up kit and make it work.. which just requires me to throw more money at the problem. We shall see how much this is going to cost me, before I do anything drastic...
Pull the damper and pull the bolts on the oil pump housing. Slide them out and look for wear. If the cover isn't worn and the gears aren't worn, put it back together and look elsewhere. Had the gears shattered they would have taken out the front cover and you wouldn't have been going anywhere.
Does anyone know the officla name/part number for this switch. I'm going to see if the local internatinal dealer has it..incase the ford dealer does not.
Would that happen to be one of these two:

MOTORCRAFT Part # SW5267 or SW5192 ??
Also... From what ive seen the Oil Pressure Switch is not tied to the PCM in anyway.. if it went bad.. then Why would that stop the engine from "lighting up"?
I have a truck that does the same exact thing. You have to crank it FOREVER for it to build enough high pressure oil to get it to run. But once it runs it runs perfect except for the gauge not reading on the dash. However with a mechanical gauge hooked up it reads pressure. Does NOT make any sense.
So you corrected that by replacing the oil pressure switch? How does that work if the PCM is in no way shape or form involved in this process at all?
No. I'm saying it could have been a simple switch issue. But I re-read the part where it wouldn't start the next day. How long did you crank it for? The truck I had here had 250cc injectors in it. I blocked of the drivers side head but was not able to do the passenger side. Its a long story. Low pressure pump gears were fine. It filled the oil filter housing with oil fine. It just would NOT build high pressure for a while. So it either has a big enough high pressure leak to make it look like you don't have enough low pressure oil, which can and does happen. Or you have something strange going on.
I cranked it for a while...but my truck is completly stock. I took the tuner out of it and reset her back to stock and tried to recrank it... It would crank just fine but it would not turn light.
Where would it be leaking the HPO from? Its not external..cause i dont have any oil leaking out of my block region.
injector o-rings, o-rings on the high pressure oil pump, the stand tubes goin to the oil rails
Hell the ipr may be stuck wide open. Just because the PCM says its commanding 85% doesn't mean its getting there.
Alright, well this is getting complex fast, I'm just going to wait for the my buddy to show up with his laptop and see what we come up with. I'll keep ya'all posted.
Problem identified.... The oil pump has sharted itself... so now I need a late production 04 front cover assembly and water pump. That would be the best case. Worst case is an injector cup let go and its now somewhere in the oil system, which will require valve covers to be pulled oil pan to be dropped and injectors to be replaced.
Does anyone know the international/ford part numbers. The ford dealers are closed but the international ones are open.. so i can atleast get the ball rolling in the correct direction.