Once a lemon always a lemon?


Oct 7, 2013
So new girl here. Got my 6.0L in december, had it completely overhauled in May after discovering 2 cracked heads. Its currently running on a rebuilt engine ("bulletproofed") and transmission (failed a week after the engine was done). Ever since the rebuild every 3-4 weeks and issue comes up that needs fixed. I wish I was exaggerating. It is quite literally always something. Everytime something gets repaired I keep thinking "Ok it'll get better this time". Its like a bad relationship when you make up after a bad fight "things will be different this time" but it turns out its not :bang

It's not major issues just little annoying things. Like my power steering pump, alternator, radiator hose leak, oil cooler clogged, hpop leak, door sensor, turbo, etc etc etc. Its nickel and dime-ing me right into the poor house. All i want is for this thing to be reliable. Its a pavement princess, my daily driver. I don't beat on it or anything. An alot of money has already been put into this thing to make it reliable. But it continues to have issues.

I have talked to a few people an they seem to think some trucks are just "cursed". No matter how much money goes into them there will always be something that needs fixed. Do you guys think there is any sense to what they are saying? It was purchased as a lemon, maybe it will always be one.
In my experiences....yes. Sometimes it's better to dump him/her and move on to a newer model. Lol
Been there done that. It got better for me, only took 8 grand worth of parts. Its all your decision.

Can you manage the payments of a new truck or is the truck paid off now and only costing parts/labor?
My philosophy was always to test drive every one you can find and make sure you are going to purchase the right one first. If you buy too soon, and crap falls off, you are screwed. And always have a backup so you don't get left stranded out on the road somewhere by yourself. But if you have "title in hand," you are too late. You'll probably take it in the rear end if you go to trade now.
It might be better to get rid of it and get another truck, seems like problems will continue and they will keep happening and annoying/ costing you.
I believe Karma can follow a vehicle. I have put cubic dollars into a Jeep trying to fix issues. In the end I still never really trusted that I would go out in the morning and it would start every time.
The truck is completely paid of. Total expenses are over 16k right now. The money is already in it, I just can't fathom cutting my losses after coming so far. Its dis-hearting to continue to have issues.
Unfortunately, since most of us can't leave a stock truck well enough alone, we all fight this. We have to continuously monkey with every bolt on a truck then we wonder why we have some much stuff fail. Don't remember if I read it or not, but is it stock for the most part or modified?
In my experiences....yes. Sometimes it's better to dump him/her and move on to a newer model. Lol

This !!! I had a 05 6.0 for 6 months, went through 2 long blocks 3 sets of injectors, 2 flex plates, and countless other things. I took that pos 200 miles from home and dumped it, a month later I saw the truck running around home so I had to talk to the new owner and he windowed the block on his way home with it. I believe those trucks can be cursed.
Unfortunately, since most of us can't leave a stock truck well enough alone, we all fight this. We have to continuously monkey with every bolt on a truck then we wonder why we have some much stuff fail. Don't remember if I read it or not, but is it stock for the most part or modified?
It's heavily moded BUT 99% of it is all preventative. Arp studs, oem, blahblahblah. I went out of my way to try and prevent issues. Now the things that were not upgraded/replaced are all going bad. One at a time....
You've almost rebuilt the entire truck, it's gotta be almost perfect now. However i haven't done anywhere near that much maintenance with either of my Dodges. The only time i've been let down was the first sub-freezing temps day after I got the 07. Batteries were 4 or 5 years old and just not strong enough to fight the cold. Replaced both, fine through when I sold it, and my new truck is the same way. If you're in love with your truck, keep it, it may be almost just perfect now that you've fixed basically everything. But if you aren't dead set on keeping it, get a dodge and the forever reliable cummins. I don't mean to seem like a Cummings band wagon flat biller, but both of mine were daily drivers, driven spiritedly, and my only means of transportation other than my Harley. Never left me stranded or infuriated
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Next time i blow a head i plan on swapping a ppumped 24v in it.
Your hpop and oil cooler should have been addressed when you did the heads. 6.0 issues are well documente. No reason to pay double labor on known trouble spots
Your hpop and oil cooler should have been addressed when you did the heads. 6.0 issues are well documente. No reason to pay double labor on known trouble spots

My oil cooler was addressed. However at the time the rebuild cost 11,500 and I had no room to drop another 2k+ on a BDP oil system. SO the cooler was simply replaced. Now its getting replaced again and a coolant filter is getting installed.
The truck is completely paid of. Total expenses are over 16k right now. The money is already in it, I just can't fathom cutting my losses after coming so far. Its dis-hearting to continue to have issues.

Drop a p pumped 24v in it and be happy. Pretty simple solution. I deserve a nobel prize for this answer... :lolly:
The truck is completely paid of. Total expenses are over 16k right now. The money is already in it, I just can't fathom cutting my losses after coming so far. Its dis-hearting to continue to have issues.

There's an economic concept called sunken cost. It states that in general continuing a project just for the sole reason that you've put money into it is not sound. It's like staying through a movie that sucks just cause you've bought a ticket when you could be doing something else.

There's also a concept called insanity where you do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Lol. Just saying. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
almost $12K?!? o_O holy crap!

Yes the mechanic that I went to bent me over really good. That was probably the biggest mistake with this truck

There's an economic concept called sunken cost. It states that in general continuing a project just for the sole reason that you've put money into it is not sound. It's like staying through a movie that sucks just cause you've bought a ticket when you could be doing something else.

There's also a concept called insanity where you do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Lol. Just saying. Good luck with whatever decision you make.

There are many other reasons why I stick with this truck. My mother bought it for me and she passed away from cancer recently. So this truck holds a lot of sentimental value. Plus I really do like it when it isn't in the shop. If i were to do anything it would be a cummins swap.