oops... think i did something stupid...


Burn it! :banghead:

Wish you were closer - we'd Git-R' Dun.
(the fixin' - not the firin' :hehe:)
how about checking down by the a/c compressor and check wiring harness to see if it has rubbed and is shorting out.

Burn it! :banghead:

Wish you were closer - we'd Git-R' Dun.
(the fixin' - not the firin' :hehe:)

should come and burn it... they would never suspect you... i start my new job monday... i had to go buy another vehicle already just to make sure i can make it... lol... i was going to wait till about a month in it and just drive the truck... but had no choice... im running out of cash to dump into it... lol... just pulled the PDM apart after talking with TC diesel again and no burn marks anywhere on the ciruit board... next... lol
how about checking down by the a/c compressor and check wiring harness to see if it has rubbed and is shorting out.

no.. thats not the problem... i know what shorted out... im trying to find what shorted out.

and does anyone know why this web site is so slow for me? i type and the computer has to catch up and it frickin sucks... like every 2 seconds it jumps forward inl etters... been making things very difficult... only on this site?
Your computer must have the same problem your truck does...maybe you should quit touching them. LOL :hehe: LOL :hehe: LOL
lol... or since you know how to fix them so well come on down? lol... at this rate it would be cheaper to buy a master cummins electrician a plane ticket and a case of beer...
I know enough to recognize Free Beer! :Cheer:

Seriously, you need to swap the PDC/FIPM/PDM/TIPM (thread's so long don't recall what year your truck is) with one from a running truck... since the ECM & darn near everything else has been replaced or validated as OK, there's little chance you could zap the replacement - but NO unauthorized electronic tinkering! :badidea:

We'll let you know when it's OK to reconnect the batteries... LOL
Here's your answer! LOL [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxgeSv88c2w[/MEDIA]
lol... its an 03... and this may be it... wish i knew of another one to swap it with... would be nice... got a buddy with a 03 but his is a stick... sucks... id have to buy anothe part in "hopes" that it works... lol
lol...im all for it at this point... ill stick all my reciepts in the file cabinet from the glove box and turn it in with my GAP insurance... lol..
So go ahead & swap it with the stick PDM... then you can at least idle it and feel better about buying a replacement auto PDM.
sold... lol... j/k... suppose to drop it off at Garmons Diesel i hope for the last time tomorrow... once i figure out how to get it over there... and a ride back...
heres an update on my truck... there is no update... jeffs still got it... lol... said both his computers went out and hes temporarily out of the repair business and is suppose to get one soon... so hasnt even been touched yet... lol
got it!!! get this crap... it was the pass battery... i have no idea how doing this with the AC made everything feel wacky... but the drivers side i have replaced twice as they failed testing... the pass i never had to replace... in fact it was the original battery from 03... they tested good at autozone and on my personal tester (yes i unhooked one at a time) but for whatever reason the truck pulls more then there testers do or something... he stuck two new batteries in it and bam... started right up... he says hes seen it before where it draines the truck down of power trying to start that the FCA was not getting the proper voltage so it wouldnt start... this is why it would start when unplugging the FCA because it failed to full pressure and it doesnt matter what the voltage is... but... i have to mail off the MP-8 once again because when i went to hook it up it started chuggin away... like it did back when i first got it... so i called and gotta mail it off again... said something in the harness he thinks... sucks... it doesnt feel the same driving it as it did... lol... but at least it running and driving!!