P-7100 governor arm


Addicted to #2
Apr 14, 2007
I know when you adjust your governor arm when you put in a new plate, your supposed to make your adjustments to the bottom screw, BUT what does the top adjustment in the upper right hand corner do? Thanks
It is the rack adjustment screw.

hey smoke'em, is there a good thread you know of that explains adjustment of the screws? suppose im not familiar with this, or im thinking of something else..
Ok, so everything I read is saying not to touch the rack adjustment screw but, my curious mind needs to know why, what does it change?
why do you remove the governor adjustment screw? what does that accomplish?

For me it allowed the governor arm to move farther up a zero plate at the same stroke. For instance, when I had the zero plate in with the governor stud in the stock location the governor arm would move forward and under the plate. When removing the stud it allowed the arm to hit the plate about 1/4 the way from the bottom. I don't have a plate at the moment. There are other reasons to do this but I'll let Weston inform you of those before I get the facts all wrong:lolly:
The rack adjustment screw adjusts the correlation between the rack and the position of the governor arm. The governor adjustment screw adjusts the height that the nose of the lever contacts the plate and or AFC lever.

Good info here thanks smoke'em.

So, when running plateless, removing the governor arm may act like the governor springs are tightend up, or better example, more RPM vrs. fuel ratio?
smokem,, so when you take out the adjustment screw and the jamb nut does the rack arm come out or does the arm stays in the pump????
smokem,, so when you take out the adjustment screw and the jamb nut does the rack arm come out or does the arm stays in the pump????

This mod is easier done with the pump off but can be done with the pump on not too difficultly. The key is getting the right piece of tubing to slide of the stud or screw, whatever you want to call it, after the lock nut and washer have been removed. Put the tube over the stud and unscrew the stud till it comes out. Before that though make sure to not loose the washer when you remove it. For me it was easiest to unscrew the washer so to speak, comes out easily and in small steps that way. Good luck!
The rack adjustment screw adjusts the correlation between the rack and the position of the governor arm. The governor adjustment screw adjusts the height that the nose of the lever contacts the plate and or AFC lever.

Ok, so what are the positive/negative effects of making adjustments to this. Do this adjustment screw ever get used to help tune the pump?
Very cool info. ive never read this before, is this used mostly when running plateless or with any profile? I do have the foot out of the afc but have never tried a plateless pass yet, any other input or info on this? Great thread.
Ok, so what are the positive/negative effects of making adjustments to this. Do this adjustment screw ever get used to help tune the pump?

Depends on the plate profile, on a flat plate nothing, on any others it's the when you want it to come in screw in laymans terms.

So if you are plateless, you should remove this screw? I was plateless but ground my plate flat and put back in to cure some sputter problems at high RPM. would there be any benefit to me removing this? Also I removed the afc foot so would this accomplish anything
Yes, so if you are running plate less, with a gutted AFC, governor arm adjustment screw taken out, should you not be able to take the rack adjustment screw out as well seeing as how you are not running a plate so it wouldnt do anything anyway?

Jim, I also assume when you say flat plate profile the 100 plate would fall into that category as well seeing as how there really is no profile except for the nose at the bottom?

Also, how much adjustment on this screw does it take to make a noticeable, or any, difference in performance/driveability/daily operation?