Parts for sale! L@@k!

I bought the input. I always use a credit card and paypal so if something goes wrong I have insurance. In the past I have lost over $500 with purchases online so now I use a cc.
Not sticking up for anyone as I don't know the full story, will update when I receive the shaft.

Phil mess with these?

As in Mr. Taylor and will he look at it for you? Yes I believe so. Shoot him an e-mail or try getting him at the shop......during business hours please.
What's with the steaming pile of schiet avatar?

Here are a few better options.



and don't forget.....

Ba dump crash. I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress.....oh, that's already been used.
Is anyone still in contact with him? Can you ask him to just ship the turbo back or follow through?
Keep me in mind please!

Cumminsram he said that he will ship your turbo when he gets back to illinois. Good luck
Probably apple pie, maybe...I think. Phuck I can't remember what I did yesterday let alone last year. Old people probz
Hows he gonna ship the turbo back when he sold it to someone else?

The person who bought the turbo contacted me and both of them are in on a PayPal dispute against this trash.

I banned him and his backup account from Cummins Forum. Don't buy anything from this guy.