pinks all out is crap


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
So, it's a game show where the rules change minute by minute.

What a load of chit.
The host is a total dbag too. Love the video of him falling on the bike. LOL
i cant stand Wille G(whatever his name is), he talks not stop thats why i stoped watching
Just put Wide Open Throttle, (405), or Midwest street cars on your car or truck and you wont have to worry about Rich. He hates anyone from here.
Picture from Yellowbullet.

Caption this:

Just put Wide Open Throttle, (405), or Midwest street cars on your car or truck and you wont have to worry about Rich. He hates anyone from here.

Tell me more! I'm curious to hear why, since I'm from OK and think he's a douche as well.. LOL
yep that guy is a friggen douche, he doesnt even know how about cars or trucks..
I used to like the show until the new format took out 20 minutes of racing and threw in drama. I turned of the auto record on the DVR.

Kinda like the Greg and Rich show...
We quit racing at Pinks events and went to other events that payouts were much more likely to obtain. Super Chevy is one of them. Won DOT Street at MIR 3 years in a row....