Porting the new Hamilton 12v head.


OWN, Maybe! But I would bet there is a payment on that, If it is yours. The rest I will just leave alone. #1 Fan
Dont you have a donut sale to get to there chubby?

You will never do what i have, but you will however forever be nothing more than a keyboard racer, with a grossly over priced red wagon for sale...

BTW---I built/own/race one of the fastest diesel trucks ever built, what do you have ????? :eek:wned:
I'm glad I voted "no ban" when the vote came around last time. Tim was right, you're pure entertainment! :hehe:
You'd save a lot of money if you wouldnt ask 55,897 different people for opinions on engine building...ur a idiot and everyone of your theads show it.:redx:

BTW my ideas might not gain the ideal support on the internet, but they sure do work in the real world, every engine or truck i've ever built has proved that. :eek:wned:

Yeah, becasue that Duramax you have is just SOOOOOO fast....Wade, you're the Billy Mays of the diesel world....the PM I got about how cheap you could get me Roller Rockers just about proved it....if only I would have forwarded that on the the mods here......

Calling Ron an idiot??? You don't even know what a "bivalve" is....

I'm glad I voted "no ban" when the vote came around last time. Tim was right, you're pure entertainment! :hehe:

I am officially blaming you now:bang:bang

Damn Wade, you wonder why you'll never be a sponsor here.

Thank You!
I entered this thread to try and help with real life information, I got attacked, and defended myself accordingly, So im the bad guy because of that?

Sorry if i offended you.

Offended, no...annoyed, probably.....where did you get your "real life" information?

I probably shouldn't have started this thread in the first place, but I know Zachs new heads are going to be arriving soon so I thought bringing up the porting question might shake some info out of the tree of knowledge. There's always a snake or two amongst the forbidden fruit, but caution is something that needs to be learned over time.
There were a few very good points brought up that i hope did not go undetected.(Not by me though. I am the perfect diesel customer, an idiot with a check book.)
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I entered this thread to try and help with real life information, I got attacked, and defended myself accordingly, So im the bad guy because of that?

Sorry if i offended you.

Brother you can defend yourself to your last breath but it's HOW you defend yourself and HOW professional you are when you do it.
Dont you have a donut sale to get to there chubby?

Kinda childish isn't that Wade or is that your best shot you can take?.I do not play elementary school playground games like you do so you will have to get up a bit earlier than that.

You will never do what i have, but you will however forever be nothing more than a keyboard racer, with a grossly over priced red wagon for sale...

Sorry to tell you its worth what I want for it and not what your cheap azz would pay for it.The difference between me and you Wade when you sold your internet fraud truck is I do not need to sell mine and you did.I do have the luxury to just place it in the corner of the very large shop and cover it up and its NOT a problem to me.

BTW---I built/own/race one of the fastest diesel trucks ever built, what do you have ?????

Please tell me again which of the two major drag racing sanctioning bodies(NHRA-IHRA)you have/or had held any national record with?.Lets see here the best you could do with your tupperware racer is to run a sanctioned event in Super Comp and get your azz handed to you by those who are real racers with real cars that will run the number all day long at any track.Just so we are on the same page Wade,what you have is irrelevant to me as much of that truck was attained through the customers you screwed over that last few years.Maybe no one else has the stones to call you out on it but those you did wrong to back then ALL should be listed as the co-owner of your tupperware truck.Then maybe you could stick your chest out with all the testosterone you vainly attempt to use when your claims to ownership or what you own appear here.

I'm glad I voted "no ban" when the vote came around last time. Tim was right, you're pure entertainment

THANK YOU!!!....
Its has got to be about as much fun as sticking bamboo shoots under your fingernails for excitement.

Ron A...
Wade would never have enough knowledge to be one of your sneaker laces on your old pair of shop shoes.
BTW...Send the head to Brzezinski or check with Modern Cylinder Head to see what they can do to help would be my first two choices.Either place does some of the best port work I have seen in along time.......Andy
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Kinda childish isn't that Wade or is that your best shot you can take?.I do not play elementary school playground games like you do so you will have to get up a bit earlier than that.

Sorry to tell you its worth what I want for it and not what your cheap azz would pay for it.The difference between me and you Wade when you sold your internet fraud truck is I do not need to sell mine and you did.I do have the luxury to just place it in the corner of the very large shop and cover it up and its NOT a problem to me.

Please tell me again which of the two major drag racing sanctioning bodies(NHRA-IHRA)you have/or had held any national record with?.Lets see here the best you could do with your tupperware racer is to run a sanctioned event in Super Comp and get your azz handed to you by those who are real racers with real cars that will run the number all day long at any track.Just so we are on the same page Wade,what you have is irrelevant to me as much of that truck was attained through the customers you screwed over that last few years.Maybe no one else has the stones to call you out on it but those you did wrong to back then ALL should be listed as the co-owner of your tupperware truck.Then maybe you could stick your chest out with all the testosterone you vainly attempt to use when your claims to ownership or what you own appear here.

THANK YOU!!!....
Its has got to be about as much fun as sticking bamboo shoots under your fingernails for excitement.

Ron A...
Wade would never have enough knowledge to be one of your sneaker laces on your old pair of shop shoes.
BTW...Send the head to Brzezinski or check with Modern Cylinder Head to see what they can do to help would be my first two choices.Either place does some of the best port work I have seen in along time.......Andy

Sometimes when I'm alone I touch myself...
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Surely you guys have heard of the......


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