PPL license form for 2.6

the 200$ is just the ppl membership fees and it is one time. Then the hook fee for the other 3 or 4 hooks they have will be the 30$ each. The problem is i allready paid 200$ for My Illiana pullers dues to run for points with them. I dont want to pay that to not run for points. I wonder if it will be an option . You can either pay dues and get the point or just pay hook fees and still pull for the money but i would think they would want the money to go to the members.
hope its not 230 dollars to pull for the ones that pull, but thats better than what their website says lol. it says anybody that signs up after march 1st has to pay $275 membership fee and a $275 vehicle fee lol. one thing i didn't find on their site was a 2.6 rule book. they need to check on that i think.
Between the possible $230 hook fee and all the rain in kentucky and illinois i dont know which is worse. Finding a good way down there or the hook fee.
It is not mandatory to join. I would recommend looking up the ppl guys before making a decision. I know between myself and Scheid Diesel went spent $5000.00 to get your class sanctioned. It is a great opportunity to work with PPL and I hope you guys will see it the same way.
It is not mandatory to join. I would recommend looking up the ppl guys before making a decision. I know between myself and Scheid Diesel went spent $5000.00 to get your class sanctioned. It is a great opportunity to work with PPL and I hope you guys will see it the same way.

So if you don't join would it be $130 to hook?
After you pull with ppl hooking anywhere else just plain sucks.2.6 guys be glad ppl even looked at having your class.
I think it was like $60 or $90 for non members here in the east.

1 time hook fee here in the East Coast series is $80($30 to hook $50 for insurance), if its only $230 to join then thats cheap for PPl because for us to join PPL here in the East Coast Series is $475 and if you dont join by a certain date its $550 so $230 is cheap for all 3 events unless your not going to make all the events. If you 2.6 guys want to be reconized by the big org as a legit class to be run on a scale with all the other classes like super/pro tractors, Mods tractors, alcohol trucks, ect. then this is were its got to start other wise you will stay were you are. I think its pretty cool PPL put the 2.6 in their group. Im guessing this is a test but if they do end up running 2.6 all the time the end of year points pay out is really good
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you know some people think that the pullers at any venue shouldn't have hook fee's. I mean how fun would it be watching dirt dry? just saying!
1 time hook fee here in the East Coast series is $80($30 to hook $50 for insurance), if its only $230 to join then thats cheap for PPl because for us to join PPL here in the East Coast Series is $475 and if you dont join by a certain date its $550 so $230 is cheap for all 3 events unless your not going to make all the events. If you 2.6 guys want to be reconized by the big org as a legit class to be run on a scale with all the other classes like super/pro tractors, Mods tractors, alcohol trucks, ect. then this is were its got to start other wise you will stay were you are. I think its pretty cool PPL put the 2.6 in their group. Im guessing this is a test but if they do end up running 2.6 all the time the end of year points pay out is really good

Jeremy, someone from PPL needs to jump in here and explain what is really going on. To just post a thread and say it's going to cost you XXX$ to hook is going to make turn out very low. Times are tough and it's not easy to drop that much money for a lot of people when you add travel and fuel.
Jeremy, someone from PPL needs to jump in here and explain what is really going on. To just post a thread and say it's going to cost you XXX$ to hook is going to make turn out very low. Times are tough and it's not easy to drop that much money for a lot of people when you add travel and fuel.

Call them......812-246-3350 ask for Kristi or John
Also all PPL members will get up to $75.00 of the gate fee back. PPL members are allowed one driver and 2 crew members in the gate for free. After joining PPL you can redeem this at the TS Performance Trailer.
Call them......812-246-3350 ask for Kristi or John

Dennis your hosting them and on this forum. You should get the info and post it so ppl don't have the same 50 phone calls and if the answer comes from your users name than it should be fact and problem solved.
Dennis your hosting them and on this forum. You should get the info and post it so ppl don't have the same 50 phone calls and if the answer comes from your users name than it should be fact and problem solved.

PPL has instructed us to direct the questions to them. Spoke with them today and they said they had several calls, and were happy to answer any questions anyone has in regards to Lucas Oil Pro Pulling.

Thank you for your concern, but this way any questions someone has can be handled quickly by a simple phone call. We are extremely busy making preparations for the event, and will not be available to answer and monitor the forum for every question. Surely you understand our goal at this point is to make sure every detail is covered, so everyone has an awesome time at TSX.

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Dennis your hosting them and on this forum. You should get the info and post it so ppl don't have the same 50 phone calls and if the answer comes from your users name than it should be fact and problem solved.

They are handling the pulls. If you would like clarification on question that only they can answer. Call them......I have already posted the number.
thanks for the clarification i understand you guys are busy....hope i still get to come...weather my actually dry up enough to plant some corn...but who knows between now and then...if its wet im coming if its not well then that could be a different story...Good Luck to everybody who attends and a big thanks to dennis and sheila perry!!
If anyone has talked to the PPL guys, can you please post what they told you?
I just spoke with an official of the PPL and they told me the pull was in Bowling Green. Lol. I told him he was mistaken, and he told me to take a look at the website. IT SAYS IT ALL, BOWLING GREEN, KY.