Pro Street Trucks at TS


Diesel Purist
Nov 14, 2006
Think there will be a good field in the Pro Street class this year at TS?:hehe: I think it could be the largest field ever. Hope to get my truck going again and I hope my changes make it through tech.

Meachum, I'll be there with the Ga. crew. I really don't know at this point if my truck will be done though. If the good Lord see's fit to heal both my wrist so I can work on it, it will be there. I've got Carpal Tunnel in both wrist really bad right now and I need channel lock's to open a Pepsi:bang But either way, Loretta and I WILL be there. Gary
I love the rules for pro street, it states you have to run all 3 qualifying runs, thats a bold move. and i love it, alot of us go to these events to see the prostreet trucks run, as much fun as it is for the rest of us to race we, i know i love watching the prostreet guys run, by making them run all 3 qualifying rounds, we're going to see some cool heads up racing.
hopefully their will be a wiegh-in before each run too!
I'm waitin for a 4500 pound 4wd to show up :rockwoot:
Hopefully my new mods will make it through tech and actually work.


I think the only chance some of us slower trucks will have is if the hot ones can't survive 3 rounds of qualifying. I perdict a lot of sandbagging going in the qualifying rounds.
I think the only chance some of us slower trucks will have is if the hot ones can't survive 3 rounds of qualifying. I perdict a lot of sandbagging going in the qualifying rounds.

I don't think getting through qualifying will be that big of an issue since you will have all evening/night to fix anyth8ing that breaks.

There were 22 Pro-streeters on tap for TS before the rainout last year... I Expect that number to be up by a handfull, so the question will be who can go 5+ rounds during eliminations?
Meachum, I'll be there with the Ga. crew. I really don't know at this point if my truck will be done though. If the good Lord see's fit to heal both my wrist so I can work on it, it will be there. I've got Carpal Tunnel in both wrist really bad right now and I need channel lock's to open a Pepsi:bang But either way, Loretta and I WILL be there. Gary

Would you hurry up already! I have been waiting to see this truck for 2 years now. Do I need to come help you work on it? Man up mr. gary:rockwoot:
I don't think getting through qualifying will be that big of an issue since you will have all evening/night to fix anyth8ing that breaks.

There were 22 Pro-streeters on tap for TS before the rainout last year... I Expect that number to be up by a handfull, so the question will be who can go 5+ rounds during eliminations?

Let's hot lap and find out?:evil
Lets hot lap and see! Heck I don't have poured block. Come to TS and lets line em up. My little Dodge may not hang with the powerful Duramax and I'm just an old ass redneck but I ain't scared. I will tell you, being from Tennessee, Al Gore doesn't like my carbon footprint but its just on the track and we don't like him either. I just hope it doesn't offend West coasters.
Heck Dennis, Those vise grips are holding my trans to my crossmember. This work has been done by my partner Corn! This is going to be real redneck engineering and yes, bailing wire will be used.:charger:
That may pass NFUO tech, not sure about tech at

I seriously cannot wait, I will sell organs on the black market if I have to. I'm sure after that weekend there will be some willing to buy a new kidney...