Pro Street Trucks at TS

Lets hot lap and see! Heck I don't have poured block. Come to TS and lets line em up. My little Dodge may not hang with the powerful Duramax and I'm just an old ass redneck but I ain't scared. I will tell you, being from Tennessee, Al Gore doesn't like my carbon footprint but its just on the track and we don't like him either. I just hope it doesn't offend West coasters.

Smoke doesn't offend me, and if it offends Al Gore more power to you. Lots of smoke out here as well, most of it coming from the California congressional politicians. We'll be there, looking forward to seeing all the fast trucks. Dennis' good friend Big Dodge said he's coming, I'm assuming the Smith truck will be too, that is a very fast truck. Team Green and Buck as well. It will also be fun to see Caged Fury actually make a pass down the truck under it's own power...hopefully.

Any chance we can get each truck weighed at tech time just for kicks and giggles, it would be fun to know what each truck weighs?
I guess the real question.... is there gonna be a certain 1/2 ton from AL?
So do we need to post watches to guard the track this year, some of us don't get out much and hate to waste another trip! Last year was a train wreck with the mud incident.

Claymores, too. And an AC-130, and an A-10, and an AH-64 to clean up anything still twitching...
Smoke doesn't offend me, and if it offends Al Gore more power to you. Lots of smoke out here as well, most of it coming from the California congressional politicians. We'll be there, looking forward to seeing all the fast trucks. Dennis' good friend Big Dodge said he's coming, I'm assuming the Smith truck will be too, that is a very fast truck. Team Green and Buck as well. It will also be fun to see Caged Fury actually make a pass down the truck under it's own power...hopefully.

Any chance we can get each truck weighed at tech time just for kicks and giggles, it would be fun to know what each truck weighs?

Each truck will be weighed after it comes off of the track. There is a set of scales at the tech shed, drivers can use the scales there for a reference point.
From what I've been told yes he will be there.

I heard he was pissed at the Diesel community (and specifically Comp D) for calling him out on the supposed 5.87(that he never posted a slip for) and wont be running any diesel events in leiu of racing at his local tracks.

How dare us chastise somebody for making unsubstantiated claims LOL
Lets hot lap and see! Heck I don't have poured block. Come to TS and lets line em up. My little Dodge may not hang with the powerful Duramax and I'm just an old ass redneck but I ain't scared. I will tell you, being from Tennessee, Al Gore doesn't like my carbon footprint but its just on the track and we don't like him either. I just hope it doesn't offend West coasters.

Looks good! Can't tell from the pictures but that looks like a 4 speed LENCO with a 4wd unit on the rear to me. You going to run a clutch in front or a converter?