Project DeRanged truck progress

Did a few other things today, plus started on the hood.



hood3.jpg's gonna look good. Not to wild...I was thinkin' you were gonna have a hood like Brandon fabricated for the s10.
No I want it to almost look stock. Kind of understated.....if that is possible.
No I want it to almost look stock. Kind of understated.....if that is possible.

I think what you have layed out now will look a little more aggressive then stock, but will still look asteticly like it belongs on the truck.
OH HELL YEAH! The new PCM is here, and will be going on the truck tomorrow. Expect video tomorrow night if things go well.

Hell yeah, 3 days till it's maiden track voyage. Finally, after all this time.
I know I can't wait. Sorry about that flex should have it tomorrow.
So you gunna be givin out rides in ennis? It will be nice to see it again (even though last time it wouldnt even do a burnout :poke: ). Also wanna bring some pizza from that place it was good im wantin some more!
Tim I expect a call or text after that things first run! Wish I could be there!!
So you gunna be givin out rides in ennis? It will be nice to see it again (even though last time it wouldnt even do a burnout :poke: ). Also wanna bring some pizza from that place it was good im wantin some more!

It wouldn't do a burnout, because it was stuck in 5th gear. 1st is "slightly" more of a kick. LOL

I have not done any testing Friday night will be its first testing. Saturday I will be exhibition only.
If there's no TNT at Ennis Friday night we can run over to's only 35 miles or so away. Kennedale has a race that night so no TNT there.
rich you better have the video camera running on that thing i want to see it make some good couple passes. dal take her easy and just easy into it just remember virgin truck on the track.
Oh yeah, I am not gonna try to make any records, and for that matter, probably won't run a full pass. Richard is going to make a few hits in it too to get used to it for when I can't make an event. Their will not be a hood on it this weekend.
If there's no TNT at Ennis Friday night we can run over to's only 35 miles or so away. Kennedale has a race that night so no TNT there.

Crandall's bracket race is Friday night, no tnt there either. Could go to Redline though......