PSDPlayed with a new tune

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Sean, stop looking for trouble. *bdh* LOL

im not its looking for me , every where i go , __CH___ how does it feel to be shown up by a 15 yr. old ?
Abrannan19 said:
you knew it would be misunderstood yet you still posted..

show me ONE post where someone was talking about DJ's tunes and Doug came in and said something derogatory.

For having a 'bone stuck in his throat' he had no problems shooting the breeze with him as soon as we got to Moroso.

But as soon as a post about someone liking a tune..someone gets their toes stepped on.

You are correct. Doug does not usually post anything derogatory because he can't back it up. DJ can. Doug bad mouths him in private but it's a small world and everything comes back to you. DJ doesn't argue. I have a hard time even getting him to discuss things.

He wants the Fords to make a statement and if he had to write a tune for Doug, in order for him, or you, to go fast, he would have.

His original post was a question and if Doug had felt confident, he would have responded. Instead you reply for him. Are you willing to put your truck against another to prove your point? I know, I know, you say your truck is not fast but then, what is it that you like about Doug's tune and why do you push it so?

sctpowersmoker said:
im not its looking for me , every where i go , __CH___ how does it feel to be shown up by a 15 yr. old ?

:umno: im sorry, how exactly have you 'shown me up'? was because viv told YOU to stop looking for trouble? or is it because i actually HAVE a truck and am of legal age to drive it? give it up and learn to understand when people are just F'n with you for the heck of it.
and how is it everywhere YOU go seeing as how i was one of the first members here?

its the INTERNET man, either get over it or come back in a few years when you can *bdh*
I am not responding 'for' doug..he is my friend..and thats what friends do.

I dont claim to be the fastest I said before..there is always someone with more money then me that can be way faster..My truck is quick. I like it ..I like Doug's tunes.

This is a post about someone liking his tunes. It just so happens to be Rich..and apparently Dj was offended by that.

Doug is very confident in his tunes..aswell as alot of others.

once again. Jealousy is the biggest compliment.
Lets get real here. Most of the people that "pimp" vendors stuff usually get it for FREE or for a big discount. Thats how it goes.
sctpowersmoker said:
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL :evil :blahblah1:
Keep laughing....anytime can be
time for you....:D
Oh LOL so now you're practicing psychology too. DJ just doesn't believe Doug can write a good tune. If he could, his truck would show it.

If you are so happy with Doug's tunes, then why did you contact us for a Looney. Yet, you wanted it for free and got insulted when we told you it would be $50. We've been there before and when a friend asks for a tune, he usually runs the tune and says it was his friends. The least you could do is pay for it, don't you think?

As far as needing money to go fast. I beg to differ. You have what in your truck? We can match one just like yours, or better yet, one that has spent less money than you and then you can prove how quick you are.

Everyone .....just send me your best file for an 05 PSD manual tranny,....and I'll give them all a fair test run.
see this is why dodges can go fast...we have nowhere near as much bickering among the ranks.:hehe:
Oh LOL so now you're practicing psychology too. DJ just doesn't believe Doug can write a good tune. If he could, his truck would show it.

If you are so happy with Doug's tunes, then why did you contact us for a Looney. Yet, you wanted it for free and got insulted when we told you it would be $50. We've been there before and when a friend asks for a tune, he usually runs the tune and says it was his friends. The least you could do is pay for it, don't you think?

As far as needing money to go fast. I beg to differ. You have what in your truck? We can match one just like yours, or better yet, one that has spent less money than you and then you can prove how quick you are.


its not really my fight, but as doug has helped me out and continues to do so i will point out from personal experience its hard to be fast when (amongst other things) your tire/wheel combo weighs about 20tons.

might i ask why dj feels doug cant write a good tune? its not like were talking about mitch here; both of yall know a great deal more about tuning than i would ever claim to but if doug 'cant write a good tune' then why do his seem to be generally thought of as amongst (if not the) best tow files?
I wanted to see what the hype was all about..if you are so SURE that your tunes are the best..why not try before you buy? I didnt know...that you were hard up for the 50 bucks.

opinions are like A-holes..everyone has one.. Dj has one..thats cool.

"Haters make people famous" famous quote some people will get.

i dont have a fortune in my truck..I never said that I did..

I have very lil money in my mods..

it is all good though..People see who lashes out at who.
OK OK Thats enough.. Both of you back to your corners .. this thread is getting out of control, and tempers are starting to rise. Lets all back off for a bit .


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