Pull Payout poll


beans diesel performance
Apr 23, 2006
What would you rather see at a pull for a payout, one big winner take all pot or pay back a bunch of slots for smaller payouts? Say 2000.00 for 1st or split 2000.00 up into 8 slots? What would be more enticing to drive a long ways?
Imo, i would rather win something than nothing for second..
payout top 3
Personally, bigger money for the #1 spot, then enough to cover hook and maybe some fuel through the 5th spot.
Id like to see them pay more period. Increase the hook fees to 50$ or so then pay a percentage back (amount of trucks entered) to the top 5. I also think the promoter should add to the pot...ex 4-500$. Obviously 1st would pay more than 5th. They have been paying back rodeos this way for years and it works well! It is not uncommon for us to travel 3-4 hours to a rodeo with good pay outs and I dont see why truck pullers would be any different.
^^^Yes. Too many variables in truck pulling with competative trucks including how the track is groomed after each pass.
Personally I got tired of going to pulls, win and get 250-300.00 but if I got second it was like 50.00 less and still crap either way. I like the idea of a big 1st place purse with a pull off and maybe entry pay back for 2nd and 3rd.

Like Ricky Bobby says, "If you're not first you're last"
Thats it... add insult to injury. That'll make more guys show up to pull. Its hard enough to get 8 or more trucks with paying down 6 let alone only giving money to the top guy.
Bean, your best bet would be to do a pull the same way they set up the 2.6" dragrace. Have sponsors, slots for 100 trucks, $500 entry fee, and pay out the full $50,000 over the top 15 spots. Bang! Huge money for someone
Yea how'd that 50 K race work out? 25 entries?

Depending on sponsorship,and number of trucks, $500- $1000 to win is plenty, pay back 8-15 places considerably lower. That rewards the winner, and still helps quite a few with fuel money.
Yea how'd that 50 K race work out? 25 entries?

Depending on sponsorship,and number of trucks, $500- $1000 to win is plenty, pay back 8-15 places considerably lower. That rewards the winner, and still helps quite a few with fuel money.

The race didnt turnout because rules keep goin back and forth and there really arent that many drag racers. A big money sled pull is gauranteed to be succesfull imo. Looks at the turnout for all the big pulls. Then put up big money and it will be a hell of a show. If someone did this i think it would a sucess then add in some tractor class with same pay setup.
Just a suggestion for what Bean was getting at, wanting big payout for the win. What you propose Sleddy, is what I would prefer to run on a normal occasion, even if you don't win, but can place, you don't lose all your money.
What did PPL pay out at Scheids? I know at a regional NTPA event if you win you get paid $570 and they pay down to 10th place at about $130. Competition fees are $375 for the year.

I pulled a couple times this year and even though I finished in the bottom half of the pack (2.6 truck in a 3.0 class) I still made my hook fees and fuel back ($426). I paid per hook. If I had bought a competition license I would have made all my hook fees back in two hooks.
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^^ i like that pay out alot.
Also if you had a 500 buy in for a sled pull, you think people would show up? you would need a vary large venue i think
Of course that would be a once a yr thing. Never would go for it every weekend, I'm broke as is. But Mitch has something going there.
The Pull we are putting on in Nov. is going to have payouts like this for 8000lb class in 2.6 and Outlaw Diesel.it is $3,100 total for each class though We are going to have a 8500lb Classes but it is not going to payout but $200 for 1st and $100 for second.
Hoping this purse will bring some trucks down. Still not set in stone.

8000 2.6 1st $1,000
2nd $800
3rd $600
4th $400
5th $200
6th $100
i like the idea of splitting up 2000 across the top 5, anyway its done if someone is only starting with a 300-500 payout and splitting it up 5 ways they might as well not have a truck pull
i say pay top 3 if you keep giving money only to the top puller that gives him a greater advantage on how deep his pockets goes an we all know the man with bigger pockets wins =P