random performance parts that need to go!

Someone decided he was in the wrong finally....

Yeah. Probably after he got the email from PayPal saying he had 10 days to provide my tracking number or refund me my money. He really had no choice at this point. It should have never gone this far though.
Hmmm.he's on c.f. parting out an 05
Link worked on desktop but not my cell..sorry ..if your on c.f. he's in the 04.5~07 for sale section near the top.figured if y'all were on there you could warn people.
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So just because. I had a. Issue that was fixed I'm banned from selling anything? Ok that's cool!
Until the people come on and clear you I think thats only fair.
So just because. I had a. Issue that was fixed I'm banned from selling anything? Ok that's cool!

The issue is that you lie about what is going on. Multiple times you told me that the part was shipped and if that were true, i would have received it by now, even though you FINALLY returned my money, and i would have had to send it back. So yeah, I wouldn't recommend anyone buying anything from you after I heard about all the "Issues" you have had with people. I just hope that if anyone in the future does buy anything from you that you actually honor the fact that they are trusting you to hold up your end of the deal and actually ship the item(s). Not text a bunch back and forth until you receive the money, then go silent when asked where the items are until you a badgered enough that you either answer out of annoyance or you are forced to answer due to PayPal contacting you and asking what is happening and where the item is.
This was all over a set of rods that I had sold to a friend just he didn't make up his mind. I sent "ridejad" my paypal and said they we back up for sale. My friend here local then begged me to not send them so I returned the out of state guy his money and it was a done deal. The guy from out of state blew it all out of proportion and made me look bad! As for "stubz616" I sold him p pump linkage I shipped it out a week late cause I honestly forgot too. I told him that. It went usps. Well idk ehat happened to it. I was waiting two weeks to hear back from usps. They ended up losing it. I was not given any money back and I then refunded back his money after he wanted to do a paypal claim. It was $80 wasn't going to break my heart over losing it. But keep bashing me in here. I could care less. Just get your facts straight before you run your mouth.....
This keyboard cowboy is signing off LOL:cool::cool::cool::cool:
I will say, eventually you did make it "Right" but you need to work on your communication better according to all the stories I've heard involving sales from you. A lot of headaches could be avoided with a simple call or text that takes 5 minutes (tops) of your time, to let the purchaser know whats going on. I imagine its a lot easier being on your end of the deal with knowing what is actually happening. you know where the money is and where the product is. I knew where my money was but didn't know where the part was. And I didn't care about the money so much as the principle of the whole thing.
And if a throttle linkage shows up on my doorstep ( by some miracle) I will gladly send it back or re send the money for it and let everyone on here know that you weren't full of chit and must have actually sent it. But until that happens or you provide a tracking number to back up your claims, i would be hard pressed to take your word for it.
Was there a tracking number for usps...... If you shipped it yes. If you tried figuring ANYTHING out from usps you had to have it so lets see it. No tracking numbers equals full of s*** period.
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