Remote tuning


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Jus wondering whos had good luck with remote tuning? And who they used? My sig is up to date. I'm lookin for someone I can rely on to answer a few questions here and there. I bought a v2, and paid money for a couple tunes. Not real pleased with the customer service. Emailed the firsts logs back with no reply an also called to follow up. I'm not expecting a quick turn around but within a few days should be enough time to look over stuff with a answer back. I live in south central Kansas and new to this. I wanted a v2 so I could tune my friends trucks as well by goin through someone. Curious how much your allowed on tweaking a tune to make it right based on the customers liking? Felt like I got run through the mill. I'm not gonna sit an call or write a ton of emails to try an get a response. I jus wanting everybody's opinion on who they get the best support from remotely? Thanks
Les from silverbullettuning has been top shelf, gets back to me asap...
That's funny, I have had the exact same experience....I discussed my desire to be able to change the tune myself after the fact, and the tune is locked. No advise seems available, and if i want to do anything myself, I have to start from scratch.....not really happy, since I specifically stated what I wanted to do with the tuner, and was reassured that I was getting what I asked for, but now, all I can do is continue to buy tunes. Does anybody keep their word anymore? Or is it all smoke and mirrors and "you can't do it yourself" kinda attitude? I have a small fortune in my truck, it's not the money, I just feel like I have been slapped in the face, misled, lied to....Is anyone selling a tune that isn't locked, something I can make some small adjustments to after I buy it? Is anyone available to maybe, speak to, and ask a couple simple questions? I don't mind buying another tune, but don't want to be playing this game all summer....anybody???
Give us a call, I think we can accomidate what you are wanting.
Im doing remote tuning as well and dont mind sending out unlocked tunes for guys looking to get started doing their own tuning, gotta start somewhere..
The efi V2 unit is very good for the end user. The guy in the front seat that owns the truck can make vast improvements in short order by testing small changes. EFI is not a "box" tuner although it can be used that way.

When purchasing a V2 unit most supply a starter tune or a low cost unlocked tune as a place to get started but buying the V2 is purchasing the tool to use for tuning. Most charge extra for tunes for highly modded trucks as there is more work and support for such.

If someone has the V2 and a stock tune, there are three things that make a diesel run. Air, fuel (psi, timing, duration), and compression. On a 5.9 you have control over fuel so there are a few tables that make big changes.

The V2 is very cool, have fun with it and the sense of accomplishment will be well worth it.
Thanks Rob, PS... saw you're valvebody earlier this week, you should be good for more epic hot lapping and utter domination :)
Thanks Rob, PS... saw you're valvebody earlier this week, you should be good for more epic hot lapping and utter domination :)

I ran 3 classes and an exibition pass in a 4th class last weekend and everything worked perfect except for the driver...
Bump.. curious as well.

Any luck young?

Yeah, I've gotten some stuff back now. Work has been effin crazy with harvest almost here, and I've had zero time to even sit behind the wheel. I know excuses excuses, but It's been nice, ive gotten some money piled up for some more goodies...:evil
That's funny, I have had the exact same experience....I discussed my desire to be able to change the tune myself after the fact, and the tune is locked. No advise seems available, and if i want to do anything myself, I have to start from scratch.....not really happy, since I specifically stated what I wanted to do with the tuner, and was reassured that I was getting what I asked for, but now, all I can do is continue to buy tunes. Does anybody keep their word anymore? Or is it all smoke and mirrors and "you can't do it yourself" kinda attitude? I have a small fortune in my truck, it's not the money, I just feel like I have been slapped in the face, misled, lied to....Is anyone selling a tune that isn't locked, something I can make some small adjustments to after I buy it? Is anyone available to maybe, speak to, and ask a couple simple questions? I don't mind buying another tune, but don't want to be playing this game all summer....anybody???

Have you asked your current tuner to unlock the tune? or put in place a tune that they would be happy having unlocked?

I did, and he has a strict policy of not selling any unlocked tunes. I can understand this policy, and the protection of what has been learned by the experience he has. The complaint was that I specifically asked to be able to make changes after I had the tuner and tune, as well as have an experienced person to ask questions if I got confused. I was told, by a salesman, that this was the case, so I ordered through his company, only to find out that the tune is locked, and there was no discussing it. I was offered a refund, for the tune itself, which I declined. The only unlocked tune available is basically a stock tune, that I already have, so I declined that also. My only complaint was really being misled about what was available with my purchase, but with more research, I find there are many other shops willing to answer some basic questions, and help me out, for a standard fee, of course. We will see how it goes, as soon as I find some time!
Well, I have to say that a few hours of open communication is all it takes, my truck has never run like it does now.....anybody considering an efi live purchase, don't hesitate, you will love it!!! I have my first tune from Ryan @ Suncoast, very impressed, logs are in, waiting for a revision....truck barely smokes unless you try, nice and clean...wide open, in bright sunlight, no visible smoke....pulls hard, too....nice cool 1150 egt's, burning all the fuel!!!
Well, I guess I need another cp3, lol....are you listening Shane? hahaha.....Truck runs great, new tune revisions are a little out of reach for my little arson kitted injection, hopefully the kit arrives this week. I will post up results when I have more fuel, and I need to dyno again, soon! Thanks again, Ryan!!
Glad to have you squared away Rob, BTW on both the logs you sent with the recent revision you're within 93% of commanded rail pressure with both WOT runs logged. Once you get your twin pumps on we can pump up the volume!!
I just took my truck on a 270 mile drive through the "High Peaks" mountain region of upstate New York, driving gently, not pounding on it, and got a mere 21.27 mpg....The bonuses just keep coming, loving my efi live and the tune in the truck!!!! Sorry, I had to......