Rob Coddens breaks his own Super Street record


New member
Feb 19, 2008
Congratulations to Rob Coddens on breaking his own Super Street record at the 2011 World Finals

New NHRDA Super Street Record is 9.91et at 148.31

Again congrats on raising the bar in Super Street.
Thanks guys, I'll be running in an NHRA event in a few weeks that has dynomite track prep and hopefully can get the ET to match the MPH. Won't be a NHRDA record, but still will run it at 6,000 lbs and see how low I can get the ET.
I believe he backed the mph with a 9.61? pass at 148.31. The MPH from the 9.91 backed it up.
Wondering what mph he backed up his 148 with. Its huge mph. Something to be proud of
Shawn, I ran tune 2 most of the event. Launched on tune 2 and then switched over to tune 4 about mid track and ran a 9.91 at 142.xx. On the final, I launched on tune 2 and stop spinning and got into 3rd gear and clicked over to tune 5 about 500/600' out and ran the 9.69 @ 148.xx (1.63 60'). First time it's ever been turned up. In a few weeks, I'll launch in 5 and run it out since the track prep should hold it.

Getting back to my 1.4 60' will drop my mph but hopefully will ET quite well. You can see just before the 1/8 mile when I turn the switch, the smoke begins again.
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That will be sweet, will you be running at the hallween classic this year?
Yes sir. I have a ball trying to bracket race it.

Sweet! Me and the wife will be there too, hoping to get my truck tuned while we're there, but I'll give you a call when the day gets closer. I can't wait to see max'd out run in person
That is flat out insane. In my wetest dreams I could only imagine running that hard. Congrats buddy
Congrats on the retarded power you are cranking out of the little truck that could! Most teams would have broke the knob off and left it where it was last year. Not you guys, you keep pushing the envelope and succeeding.

With that being said I have to throw a coaches challenge flag on the MPH record. It’s posted as 9.91et at 148.31MPH

You stated that:
Pass One: 9.91 at 142.xx
Pass Two: 9.69 at 148.xx

The rules say that the backup must be with in 1% if not the slower of the two will stand as the record.
142mph x .01= 1.42 mph + 142= 143.42 MPH
So the 142 would be the new record with the 148 as the backup.

Again Rob not trying to take anything away from what you have accomplished, cause I am very impressed and I know you will continue to raise the bar.