Rob Coddens breaks his own Super Street record

Congrats on the retarded power you are cranking out of the little truck that could! Most teams would have broke the knob off and left it where it was last year. Not you guys, you keep pushing the envelope and succeeding.

With that being said I have to throw a coaches challenge flag on the MPH record. It’s posted as 9.91et at 148.31MPH

You stated that:
Pass One: 9.91 at 142.xx
Pass Two: 9.69 at 148.xx

The rules say that the backup must be with in 1% if not the slower of the two will stand as the record.
142mph x .01= 1.42 mph + 142= 143.42 MPH
So the 142 would be the new record with the 148 as the backup.

Again Rob not trying to take anything away from what you have accomplished, cause I am very impressed and I know you will continue to raise the bar.

Thanks Chris. This is what I was getting at. Rules are rules
Congrats Rob, can't wait to see it run at the Halloween Classic! I'll be there running my gasser, and my kid will be running her new Jr Dragster. Do you have your costume picked out?
Congrats on the retarded power you are cranking out of the little truck that could! Most teams would have broke the knob off and left it where it was last year. Not you guys, you keep pushing the envelope and succeeding.

With that being said I have to throw a coaches challenge flag on the MPH record. It’s posted as 9.91et at 148.31MPH

You stated that:
Pass One: 9.91 at 142.xx
Pass Two: 9.69 at 148.xx

The rules say that the backup must be with in 1% if not the slower of the two will stand as the record.
142mph x .01= 1.42 mph + 142= 143.42 MPH
So the 142 would be the new record with the 148 as the backup.

Again Rob not trying to take anything away from what you have accomplished, cause I am very impressed and I know you will continue to raise the bar.

Sounds correct, I just gave the numbers to NHRDA and didn't even think about it. I'm sure Randy will amend.
I'm comin for ya. Will never see 142 but either way with any luck next year we'll see you at more events. We are gonna try and hit a few more next year.
Just threw the numbers in the CompD HP calculator - holy crap!!! Rob - was this fuel only as well?
Just threw the numbers in the CompD HP calculator - holy crap!!! Rob - was this fuel only as well?

Should I spray it? With the new set-up I'm not even needing the .027 jet to spool anymore. Maybe I'll throw a full bottle in and a big jet and hit that too. Firebird will throw me off without a shute though. Damn truck cleans up at 100psi of boost, not sure N20 helps when this clean? What do the N2O junkies think?
I believe there is a guy on here that basically runs his truck on N2o....ask him LOL
Congrats Rob! Very impressive! I can't believe you are switching tunes like that going down the track. My old Dodge would probably puke doing that! LoL It will be interesting to see what it does on a good track where you can hit it harder right off the start. I would love to see you spray it , I can see 8's
Depends on how clean it gets Rob.
We cleaned up quite a bit without N20 on our orange truck and still hit it with N20 we only picked up .50 in the 1/4 mile but it sure pulled harder.
Once we got more fuel into it it hit way harder.

You can still run N20 with it cleaning up but I would just watch your temps and whatnot
Should I spray it? With the new set-up I'm not even needing the .027 jet to spool anymore. Maybe I'll throw a full bottle in and a big jet and hit that too. Firebird will throw me off without a shute though. Damn truck cleans up at 100psi of boost, not sure N20 helps when this clean? What do the N2O junkies think?

Are you kidding me!! Spray it till it clears up, and then spray it some more! It'll start choking when its had enough.:rockwoot: Congrats again on an incredible pass! (by the way, my 10.06 was on your small tune....Thanks!)
Congrats Matt on your new best, way cool. Any plans to cert. it for 9's? because if so, I'll be worried! I'll call you if I grow a set and want to spray it.